How many days till I get email to track application after common app submission

I just submitted application yesterday, Oct 21 EA. Have not gotten any email from UVA admissions.
How much time, before I get a login/password to access my application and status?
I just want to make sure that they received my SAT scores and transcript and then put this think to bake till Jan '19.
I think they need docs by Nov 1, so I would get a chance to iron out anything if they did not receive.
Thanks in advance.

Seems to take 3 or 4 days for your account but sometimes it takes a bit for your submitted information to show up. In the past they have said that if you sent your scores but it doesnโ€™t show up on your account not to worry because it takes UVA a bit to update the account. There will be a to do list on your account with everything they are waiting on.