how many drafts of essay did you write

<p>before you finally wrote the one you liked? I'm on my fifth version right now. Damn. I thought my fourth version was going to be "it". But turns out its too cliche so i churned out another one today.</p>

<p>hahahaha…one. D:</p>

<p>it’s awful, I’m planning to do a couple more.</p>

<p>countless drafts of my first one until i thought it flowed smoothly.
then i realized it was garbage and completely reworked it, and revised that like 5 times.

<p>two. :stuck_out_tongue: 10char</p>

<p>Too many to count, and I’m still not done :S</p>

<p>I’ve written zero. I will need to start soon, I suppose.</p>

<p>I try not to have many errors when typing papers. Since this is a major thing I will continue to revise it until it is exceptional, though.</p>

<p>^Zapz, once you start, small mistakes aren’t the only things you need to worry about. You are very likely to find your story lame and start a new one, which i have done numerous time lol. But that’s just it. Maybe you could do it in one try</p>

<p>I usually write maybe two drafts at most. For example, for my essays for colleges thus far, the longest an essay has taken me is like 30 minutes (I do type really fast). But, I always make stupid grammatical mistakes, so I e-mail it to my writing teacher at my school and she checks it over.</p>

<p>“Zapz, once you start, small mistakes aren’t the only things you need to worry about. You are very likely to find your story lame and start a new one, which i have done numerous time lol. But that’s just it. Maybe you could do it in one try”</p>

<p>Well, I’m thinking of many, many different topics to write about in the time I procrastinate doing it (I’m not completely procrastinating, you see =P). Haha. I hope I don’t find my essay lame.</p>

<p>I once wrote this (so I thought) kick-ass essay in one night. The next morning, I realized that it was absolute crap. Such is the process of essay-writing… :-/</p>

<p>I re-wrote the opening paragraph seven times…</p>

<p>i don’t write drafts. but i write extremely slowly, and i’ll rewrite a sentence two or three times. i never trash everything and start the entire piece anew.</p>