<p>I got two Ds in both GE courses. I was wondering if anyone got many Ds and retook then got into any UCs? Thanks buddies!!</p>
<p>Well I’ll let you know in a month! I had 2 F’s and a D…Thank god for academic renewal! I’m assuming you probably don’t know what this is, and that’s fine, because not many do.</p>
<p>When I began at my CCC at 16, I had a horrible first semester. Fortunately, I found out about Academic Renewal before I applied to schools, and basically it saved my GPA. Essentially, AR removes the poor grades from your GPA, and the UC’s disregard those poor grades entirely. Thus, my GPA went from a cumulative 2.6 -> 3.74 in one year!</p>
<p>As long as you do 12-18 units of coursework with a 3.0+ GPA from now onward, you should be good for Academic Renewal. It varies a bit by CCC, and I can tell you exactly what your school’s policy is for AR if you tell me your CCC. </p>
<p>All you have to do when you complete those requirements ^^ is fill out an AR form. This basically means you write your address, name, student ID #, and class you want removed from your GPA. For me it was always granted because I have had good grades since my first semester.</p>
<p>In short, AR will get rid of those bad grades. The UC’s will see them (you have to put them on your app) but they won’t affect your GPA and the UC’s will disregard them entirely. AR is an articulated agreement with the UC’s from comm. college’s, so it’s not a big deal. The UC’s know people will often have bad first semesters or a bad semester in general.</p>
<p>Definitely look into it if you haven’t already. Best of luck!</p>
<p>I never knew about academic renewal, that is very interesting. I have 3 F’s on my record from a semester I took in my home country (Switzerland) four years ago. However, my CC never asked for the transcripts so they could not have advised me to take the courses again or about Academic renewal. My cumulative GPA (counting the F’s along with my 2 years at community college) is still 3.3 (would be 3.92 without the F’s lol) do you think that could hurt my acceptance to UCSD? I am doing TAG by the way.</p>
<p>i have two D’s that academic renewal couldn’t fix, why retake them if they accept you?</p>
<p>i got accepted to UCLA for Fall 2009 fyi, its possible. I also got an F.</p>
<p>@ gaiou: No way man, those classes that you got F’s in are from way long ago. Don’t even sweat it. Your most recent coursework (last 3 years or so) is what matters. Those F’s will barely be considered, and I would be really shocked if you didn’t get in. Apparently, UCSD accepts all 3.0+ with IGETC certification.</p>
<p>Dude you really reassured me thank you SO much!! I have been sweating it because of these stupid F’s!! It’s not even that I failed the classes, I just didn’t show up for the exams as I knew I was leaving university lol! It was actually 5 years ago, february 2005 so it should be fine. I’m doing TAG, the IGETC and I have excellent essays on my app. The only things are these F’s and the fact that I don’t have a lot of extracurricular activities (just part of 1 honor’s society with an official position).</p>
<p>Oh man, you’re a shoe-in. I bet in two days (hopefully when we find out) you’ll be saying, “AHA Emil was right! Those F’s barely mattered.” :). Plus you have TAG, so you’re super good to go lol.</p>
<p>I’ll let you man that’s for sure. My housing message hasn’t changed, so that might be an indicator that I’m not in the next batch… we’ll see. Thanks for making me feel better!</p>
<p>haha no problem! I wish ya the best!</p>
<p>Thanks! Same to you, good luck with UCLA and Berkeley</p>