How many EC's should I list?

I was wondering if I should limit the amount of EC’s that I should list as it says on the app “quality over quantity”. What should be the cutoff? Is something like daily hour runs too weak or maybe lettering in robotics?

Edit: Is something like daily hour runs too weak or maybe lettering in robotics something that is too weak?

I think you should definitely put robotics. Why wouldn’t you? Does it not fit into your overall narrative?

Robotics is not weak - especially if your school recognizes it with a letter.

running as part of a club or team or for some other passion should certainly be listed as well.

What if it is a hobby I’ve had but not as a team?

Additionally, I’ve been recognized with 2 leadership awards from robotics so I was afraid I might have been putting too much from that program.

Is the problem that you have too many activities so you are trying to cut back? At many UC sessions they emphasize that an applicant should not assume something is obvious if it is not included. Can you can include lettering in the section about the robotics awards?

For running, the category of extracurricular says to “include hobbies, clubs, sports and anything else you haven’t had the chance to tell us about.” but the actual question asks,

Can you answer that about running?