How Many Essays Should I Submit?

<p>I will be applying RD to the school of engineering. My stats are alright (3.95 UW, 4.6 W, 1380/2080 SAT, good EC's + recs) and I am from MD. I am not really sure how many essays I should submit. I was thinking of just submitting one, but would that hurt my chances a lot, compared to submitting two or three essays? Thanks!</p>

<p>How much time have you got on your hands? VT is very numbers based, and while essays probably won’t hurt you they won’t help you a whole lot either. Recs won’t help at all. Go take the ACT and retake the SAT; your GPA is great and your number 1 priority should be bringing your test scores up to match.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the essays that I have to write since most of the other schools I’m applying to require at least 2 or 3. I’ve already taken the SAT three times and I’m taking subject tests in the fall, so I’m not planning on taking any additional standardized tests. Reading is my biggest weakness (600) compared to math (780). Do you think that I should be able to get in with the stats I have now?</p>

<p>Wait, 1380 out of 1600 you mean? I thought you meant 1380 out of 2400. Yeah, you’re probably good with that.</p>

<p>Yeah, 1380/1600. Thanks!</p>

<p>Our DD, wrote one essay, but it was an essay that she worked on. The quality of the essay is going to matter more than the quantity of essays submitted.</p>

<p>With your stats, you should be IN, even ED.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>