how many hours as a research assistant?

<p>So I got a campus work study job as a research assistant. I will be the only student working with the professor, and will get paid $ 2000 for a year's work. I am supposed to meet with my professor to discuss how many hours a week I should work. I was thinking of working around 8 hours per week. Is that too much? Too little?</p>

<p>8 hours a week sounds like a pretty average amount for an undergrad.. but it also depends on what the professor is expecting and what you can handle. 8 hours or even a little more really isn't going to inhibit your study habits. I'd try to keep it anything under 15-20 hours and you won't have too many problems.</p>

<p>@ mangoluverin</p>

<p>I would increase it to 10 hours a week. That's very manageable. (I used to work 10-16 hours a week when I was still in college.)</p>

<p>Different PI's have different requirements, but in the dept I working in it ranged from 12-20. I averaged around 12-15. I would increase from 8, unless you have a busy semester which the PI will understand.</p>

<p>Is the $2000 the work study award? Because that's just the amount you CAN earn with work study. You have to calculate using your hourly wage how many hours you should work if you want to earn $2000 during the school year.</p>

<p>I was assume it was a stipend paid for working on a project. I know lab assistants are paid on work study, but never heard of a research being paid on one.</p>

<p>8-10 hours is average, for my research assistant job</p>