How many major classes can you not take but still transfer to a UC?

<p>I'm planning on transferring to UCI but I probably won't get to finish all the classes I have before I plan on applying there.</p>

<p>Of course I'm going to finish my GE first as well as the lower level major classes, but I still got calculus3, physics3, chemistry2 yet to complete, and if I don't complete those class before my junior year is over then I'll have to wait until next year since UCI doesn't do spring transfer.</p>

<p>I was wondering if I could just hold off those classes, like instead of taking it at a CC I would take it once I transfer. If that is possible would it significantly lower my odds of acceptance if I don't complete all the requirements?</p>


<p>take a look at the page at [California</a> Community College Transfer Admission, Selection and Preparation](<a href=“]California”></p>

<p>It is not clear from your post where you are now. Are you at a CC or a 4-year college? Be aware that the UC system has caps on units you can earn somewhere else and still be eligible for admission to a UC campus. It doesn’t apply to CC xfer students, but does to those applying from other 4-year schools.</p>

<p>Thanks alot for the reply!</p>

<p>Yes I’m at a CC right now. Right now I’m still finishing up on my GE and major classes, ideally I’m supposed to be done with all my GE and major classes by spring of 2011, however I need to retake 2 of my GE classes so that might delay my completion of all my classes until the end of fall 2011, and UCI does not allow spring transfer so I’d have to wait until fall of 2012 to transfer.</p>

<p>I heard that it is not mandatory to complete ALL of your classes (exception of GE) but is there a limit on how many classes you can put off in a CC to take in a 4year? Also would it heavily hurt my chances of acceptance if I were to apply even though I haven’t completed all my major courses? Since I’m a biomedical engr major, I’d have to (according to my counselor) finish up 95units worth of GE+Major courses and I highly doubt applying to UCI with just 60-70units would cut it, would it?</p>

<p>I know that is a boatload of questions and I’m sorry. Thanks again!</p>


normally CC counselors are pretty well informed, but this sounds fishy to me. The UC schools only allow 70 units to be transferred for credit. I suggest you contact (by phone) a counselor at UCI, both in admissions and also in the BioMed department for further advice.</p>