How many nursing schools should i apply to???

<p>I don't know how many nursing schools to apply to. I want to stay in California and I am a transfer student preparing for a bachelors in nursing. On the California Board of Nursing site, there are so many colleges and universities ranked for their passing rates. I have three places in mind that I would LOVE to go to: Mt. St. Mary's College, San Diego State University, and University of San Francisco. I am aware of many other great possible nursing schools, however I don't have a sense of where else I should apply to. Does anyone have any experience applying to or attending any of the nursing schools for the BSN program? I welcome ANY and ALL advice.</p>

<p>Is money an issue?</p>

<p>Money is not an issue and I reason this because I’ve been attending community college for 2 years. Even going to a private college won’t be so bad for half the time. I’m also told that if I work at a hospital, I might get reimbursement for tuition.</p>