How many of you have an i-pod?

<p>i have a dell DJ. 20 GB.</p>

<p>"i have a dell DJ. 20 GB."</p>


<p>i got nothin...but this mp3 player looks nice <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>it has 5 GB, radio, voice recorder...for 249.99</p>

<p>ipod had 4 GB for the same price with no radio...</p>

<p>I too got my 20 gb 4th generation for FREE from i bet that same website. Too bad it arrived the day winter break started, so my friends will think i just got it for christmas and i won't be able to rub it in their faces. Whatevers, it is awesome and it was free</p>

<p>can you guys email me that website address...please...i'm desperate for an mp3 player</p>

<p>Pick me!
Mine is a mini in silver.
Got it for Christmas.
Loving it.</p>

<p>1st Generation... I got it a couple of months after it came out... WAY before the craze ever started...</p>

<p>i have a broken CD player, no ipod. :-(
at least i have a laptop that lets me play music on it....thats MY ipod, lol.</p>

<p>iPod photo. still can't get it to import songs though.</p>