How many of your are going to the top college anyone in your class got into?

<p>Johns Hopkins is the best college anyone in my class got into. How many of you are in the same position?</p>

<p>1 to Princeton, 2 to UPenn, 1 to Vandy, 1 to MIT, 1 to Stanford.</p>

<p>at my school the top kids are going to Harvard and MIT</p>

<p>we have 3 going to princeton, i think 2 going to MIT, 2 Northwestern, 1 Dartmouth, 1 Swarthmore, 1 to olin, 2 Duke and many going to emory(although its not hard to get into).</p>

<p>I'm a junior...but nobody from my school has ever gone to an excellent school except for 1 kid who went to dartmouth. Next to that, Michigan is the best my school ever seems to do, and that doesn't even happen every year.</p>

<p>1 to Brown, 1 to Dartmoth, 1 to WUSTL</p>

<p> school crappy IL school this year = 1 to Northwestern, 1 to Notre Dame, maybe 4 to UIUC, and the rest to community college/NIU/McDonalds....and this is a GOOD year....when my sister graduated, it was like 1 to Wake (got off the waitlist b/c she was rich), 1 to Boston College, practically none to UIUC</p>

<p>That and it kinda makes me mad that there are like 2 teachers and 1 kid in my IL high school that know that University of Chicago is NOT UIC.</p>

<p>yours truly is going to Grinnell, and thats the best this year</p>

<p>one kid is goin to cornell. that's the best.</p>

<p>last time someone got into harvard was 6 years ago from my school</p>

<p>i'm applyin to harvard next year..... I might be the next guy in line.</p>

<p>oh yeah i forgot cornell...and our val got a full ride to notre dame...</p>

<p>Stanford: 4
Dartmouth: 1
Notre Dame: 2
MIT: 1
Brown: 1
Northwestern: 2
JHU: 1
Pomona: 1
Claremont Mckenna: 1
Boston College: 1
Swarthmore: 1
Scripps: 3
Reed: 1
Berkeley: 6
UCLA: 15
USC: 5
UCI: 25
UCR: 15
Davis: 2
UCSB: 6</p>

<p>Rest of AP/Honors: Cal Poly Pomona or Christian school</p>

<p>Rest of School: <em>shrugs</em></p>

<p>there are only 50-60 people in my class, but here are those going to top 25 colleges</p>

<p>UPenn: 2(both Wharton)
MIT: 2
Brown: 1
Northwestern: 2
Vandy: at least 3
Emory: at least 3
Wash U: at least 5
UMichigan: 1</p>

<p>Harvard: 1
Yale: 1
Stanford: 5
MIT: 1
Penn: 5
Columbia: 1
Georgetown: 1
Northwestern: 1
Wash U: 1
and we have a lot going to UC schools</p>

<p>I can give you guys a cursory list of where people are going from my school.
Harvard: at least 1
Princeton: at least 3
Yale: at least 2
Stanford: at least 4
Columbia: at least 3
Penn: at least 5
MIT: at least 1
Cornell: at least 6 or 7</p>

<p>Those are all of the important ones. We have 6 or 7 kids going to Wash U, a crapload got into UMich, I think we may have some people going to Brown/Dartmouth, but I'm not sure. My best friend is going to NW. I know of at least 2 kids going to Georgetown. At least 2 are going to Swarthmore and we have about 5 kids going to JHU. So many kids going to so many good schools. I hate my high school.</p>

<p>Harvard: 3
Yale : 1
Columbia: 1
Caltech: 1
Dartmouth: 1
NYU: 1
Umich: ~70</p>

<p>Cornell - 4
Duke - 2
Harvard - 1
MIT - 1
NYU - 2
UPenn - 1
Yale - 1
Northwestern - 1
Vanderbilt - 1
Carnegie Mellon - 1
Emory - 2
USC - 2
UMich - 1</p>

<p>But to the Florida Schools...
UFlorida - 42+
UMiami - 14+
FSU - 35+</p>

<p>roughly 30% got into University of Michigan.</p>

<p>I'm not sure how many people at my school got into the following colleges but at least one per school: upenn, harvard, cornell, USC, emory, carnegie mellon, duke, washington and lee, and a few others that i cant remember at the moment. Next year the senior class (my class) will be a lot more academically oriented as this year was more athletic...</p>

<p>I go to a not so special suburban/rural school. Here are our college results.</p>

<p>Hopkins: 1 (myself)
Cornell: 1
Boston U: 1
U Rochester: 3
Case Western: 2</p>

<p>Other top 50: 7</p>

<p>Prestigous State U: 75
Less Prestigous State U: 50</p>

<p>Local 4-year schools (nothing special): 100</p>

<p>Local Communiy College: 150</p>

<p>Technical Schools: 20</p>

<p>College, what's that?: 250</p>