How many optional essays should I write?

Virginia Tech is currently my safety school -I’m in state, my father attended there, and my stats are well above their averages (I’m applying to Ivies and top tier schools). Should I still answer 3 of their optional essay prompts? I have 2 that I was able to use from other applications, but don’t know if it’s worth writing a third since I do have other schools I feel I should spend more time on.

I would write all three, especially since the regular application also counts as an honors college app. Good luck!

Your safety school maybe the only school you get accepted to so make sure you put your best effort on the application otherwise that shows lack of interest in the school. The volume of applications keeps increasing every year and if by chance you are interested in engineering it is quite competitive.

VT as a safety can be a bit dicey. They are sometimes hard to predict with regard to who gets accepted.