<p>Okay so I've done maybe 5-7 practice tests so far for AP biology and on the multiple choice I usually get 92/100 or higher (I'm not that good at bio, I'm good at guessing and multiple-choice questions). But what I'm wondering is if I get maybe 4/10 - 7/10 on the essays, will I still be able to get a 5 total on the exam? </p>
<p>I don't really care much for writing essays and writing in general, and I know that I won't be able to remember everything for every topic, so I'm thinking of not studying too hard for them because I know I should be fine for the multiple choice. I just want to know if I'm being an idiot and if my laziness will end up with me failing this test. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.</p>
<p>If this means anything, I used all the practice tests from Cliff Notes, 5 steps to a five, 2002 official AP test, 1994 AP official test, 1999 AP official test...</p>
<p>92/100 ?!
Holy cow!
You’re guaranteed a 5 if you can write something decent for the FRQs lol.</p>
<p>(MC score out of 100) * (.9)
( 4 Free Response out of 40, 10 points for each essay) * (1.5)</p>
<p>85-150 = 5
65-84 = 4
If you get 94 MC right and don’t even do the essays, you would still get a 5.If you can get at least a 4 on each essay, you should be fine from your MC score.</p>
<p>Aight thanks everyone, I was wondering because my bio teacher always says “how the hell do you do so well on my tests? You always sleep in class” and I was a bit worried because you really have to know the Bio to do well on the essays, but thanks for your help.</p>
<p>^ Maybe try using the AP audit test, if you have it? Just to make sure, since at least to me the 2002 test seemed REALLY easy compared to some others.</p>
<p>Just curious, where exactly can I find the 1999 and 2002 tests?</p>
<p>actually my teacher gave us a hard copy of both of those but i think i have the microsoft word version of the 2002 one. just give send me an email to <a href="mailto:yucel2000@gmail.com">yucel2000@gmail.com</a> and i can reply back with the attachment</p>
<p>What’s the AP audit?<br>
And yeah, 2002 was insanely easy, I’m horrible at bio and scored a 144/150 on it…</p>
<p>I know how it feels to be good at a guessing. But not knowing much about bio and getting a 92/100 is absurd, even if you’re good at guessing. It’s a knowledge test, not the SAT lol</p>
<p>no man, you just have to be able to associate certain vocab words with others. for example, when you hear glycolysis, you should be thinking “cytoplasm” “anaerobic” “first step” and so on. then you just look at the answer choices and see which one makes sense and then pick that one. it doesnt work at all on the free response though lol</p>
<p>^ Yea, that’s what I mean. You saying all that shows that you know quite a bit about glycolysis already. On the FRQ, if their ask about glycolysis and you say it happens in the cytoplas, works for anaerobic, and is the first step in aerobic, i bet youll get some points for that…</p>
<p>Does anyone mind posting the website to the audit again? Someone had posted this once and now I can’t find it…</p>
<p>i have the ap audit exam. if you don’t know what it is its a practice exam released by the collegeboard last year and they tend to me MUCH harder than the actualy ap exam administered. (at least thats how i felt about it) if anyone wants to trade PM me</p>