How many pushups can you do?

<p>1 full girl push up. And i'm very proud of it :D</p>

<p>Am I the only one who can bench press a ton but can\'t do very many push ups? </p>

<p>Meh, bench > push up anyways.</p>

<p>its very possible to be able to bench press a lot but do little pushups. push ups are mostly muscle endurace and considerable muscle mass where benchpress are mostly muscle mass and considerable muscle endurance.</p>

<p>obsession, are you fat/big? and i would disagree on the bench>push up. theyre both important</p>

<p>I can do 35 pushups tho I never push myself
Bench: 200
Hang clean: 200</p>

<p>I just do as many push-ups as I can during commercials.</p>

<p>wow this is not a brag thread at all</p>

<p>What's the time limit? If we're doing it fitness-test style, then 75 in 2 minutes.</p>

<p>its very possible to be able to bench press a lot but do little pushups. push ups are mostly muscle endurace and considerable muscle mass where benchpress are mostly muscle mass and considerable muscle endurance.</p>

<p>Not really. Strength (regarding the bench press) has just as much to do with neural efficiency than actual muscle mass. It's no coincidence that the strongest men in the world aren't the biggest men in the world. They're big, but definitely not the biggest.</p>

<p>Not very impressive IMO. How many girl pushups can you do?</p>

<p>i told you i can only do 50 pushups in one set max with no break</p>

<p>I said girl pushups. Real pushups are for pussies.</p>

<p>girl pushups... **** that</p>

<p>60 regular, 5 one-handed</p>

<p>uh...i was a little to optimistic in my earlier posts.</p>

<p>I tried to do some pushups today and only made it to 19, lol</p>

<p>40 at most.</p>


<p>I'm not fat. In fact, long ago before I started working out I was always known as the skinny fast kid. </p>

<p>I started working out and eventually eating a lot more and got big, as in a lot of muscle mass. The only time I do pushups is at the end of my work outs to 'burn out' or just push whatever I have left out. </p>

<p>I can do ~70 pushups, I bench 265. When I work out I lift for muscle mass.</p>

<p>And I am gonna have to disagree with the pushups = muscle mass notion. I've seen kids who do just pushups and while they're strong, they're just really cut skinny kids with a little puff on their chests and biceps.</p>

<p>I can do around 30...i just hopefully I'll improve maybe? i can do tons of sit ups though..over 100....haven't done any bench presses yet..</p>

<p>well i guess its different for everyone. i go for the cut look rather than bulky.</p>

<p>Cut just means low bodyfat. You can be a huge guy and be cut. </p>

<p>Skinny guys just like to call themselves something other than skinny.</p>