How many recs??

<p>Our guidance suck and dont tell us anything.</p>

<p>As of now my guidance counselor is working on my rec and I asked one other teacher to do one. So total of two (1teacher/1guidance)</p>

<p>how many do I need? and is there something I have to do on the commonapp website? there is nothing about recomendations on the commonapp site</p>

<p>buujump 10char</p>

<p>You need one from guidance counselor, and 2 teacher ones.</p>

<p>I think it depends on the college you apply. One of the school DD apply only need 1 rec from teacher and the Secondary Report from Coounselor. When you add your college in common app, it will give you a summary of the requirement, or else, check w/ your college’s adminssion website</p>

<p>Do both teachers have to be for academics or can one be for my extra curriculars?</p>