<p>bicoastalmom: To a degree we are being ambiguous when it comes to the SAT II subject exam recommendation. The reason? Well it provides our applicants an option when applying. Since the changes with the new SAT and new ACT, it was important for us to create a new standardized test policy that made our application accessible to all applicants. Therefore the change to recommended not required SAT II subject exams.</p>
<p>The best way to read our new language is that the Admissions Committee sees value in SAT II subject exams, and would like our applicants to submit scores on such exams. However, this is a recommendation not a requirement, so that students not submitting such exams will still have a chance for admission. </p>
<p>This is our second year with this policy and I will say that the majority of our applicants submit 2 or 3 SAT II subject exams, and this is perfect for us. So for your son, we needs to decide whether or not he wants to take a 3rd exam. If not, then just send in his 2 exams - but don't send none since he has taken them.</p>
<p>ELEMP: Thanks for the P.S. comments. Glad you enjoyed your visit and that we fit you 10 second policy.</p>