How many SATII's did you take or will you take

<p>Also let us know what selectivity level your college choices are.
I'll start.
My choices are Very Selective such as HYP and top lib. arts colleges.
Will take 4-5</p>

<p>selective, (one level below ivies): like Wash U in St L, Case Western, U of Mich...
will take 3-4</p>

<p>Very selective-----> 4 subject tests</p>

<p>probably 2.</p>

<p>selective, 4 give or take</p>

<p>Very selective (HYP), plan to take four subject tests</p>

<p>im applying to very selective schools (penn, brown, columbia)- ALL of these schools only ask for 2 satIIs, but most people take more than that. would it look bad if i only took 2?</p>

<p>Brownieboy--the OP is home-schooled. I do not know what the deal is with the others who think that they need to take many more SAT 2s than schools require if they apply to selective schools. It would be helpful if someone would indicate from whom they received this advice or if they are just engaging in anal retentive overkill.</p>

<p>Selective-Probably 3..maybe 4, we'll have to see about that.</p>

<p>I'm applying to mainly UCs so I will only send 2 (Math+Bio)
and then just for kicks I'm applying to Johns Hopkins so I need a third for that (Math+Bio+Physics). This makes a grand total of 3.</p>

<p>Ivy league - Will take 5.</p>

<p>Four, but i m not aiming for HYPS or other ivy's.</p>