<p>How many schools should you apply to/how many did you apply to.
I'm only planning on applying to 4 schools(one reach, two matches, one safety) and alot of my friends are telling me that's really low. Some of them are applying to 10-15, which just seems crazy...so what's best</p>
<p>do as many as you have time to and can afford!</p>
<p>personally i think 4 sounds a little low too. then again if you do your searches properly and find 4 really good places you want to attend then by all means go ahead.
most people i talk to recommend around 6 though - 2 of each of safety/match/reach</p>
<p>where did you get 6 if you dont mind me asking</p>
<p>he just said…</p>
<p>2 safeties
2 matches
and 2 reaches</p>
<p>oh my gosh
now i feel like an idiot…i totaly didnt get that the first time</p>
<p>6, yup 6, yup 6</p>
<p>I did 10, but it was okay because I got fee waivers for them all :).</p>
<p>I just have a lot of interviews to do…</p>
<p>This question does not a one-size-fits-all answer, it all depends on your situation and the schools you’re applying to. </p>
<p>If you have a rock solid safety (eg. rolling admission in-state public, EA acceptance, etc.) that you would like to attend, then 4 might be enough. But if you’re applying to selective schools with relatively low admission rates, then it is likely not enough. Many times students applying to top colleges have up to 10 schools. If you’re looking for merit scholarships, you might even need a couple more. I would cap the number at about 12, as you will likely get to the point of diminishing returns on the quality of your applications.</p>
<p>seconded. if you don’t do at least 50, you’re doomed</p>
<p>lol Lucky number 7 !!! Yo~</p>
<p>My advice is to pick number of schools like a pyramid, more reaches, fewer matches, then even fewer safeties. My daughter did 1 safety, 2 matches, 3 reaches, 5 far reaches. She got into one of her far reaches, and all others. She had the stat for far reaches, but it’s more of a crap shoot, so she need to applied to more of them to have a better chance of getting into one of them. As long as your true safety is a school you would be happy to go to, there is no need to have more than one. Matches could be tricky because they may reject you if you don’t demonstrate “love” for them, so having just one match is taking a chance.</p>