How many semesters for calculus through a college program for SLO MCA?

My daughter took one year of calculus through a local university program taught by the high school. Her grade is from the university and does not show up on her high school transcript. For SLO MCA calculation, Does that count for 2 semesters when looking at the bonus points for rigor in mathematics or does it count for more than 2?

Normally 1 semester college course= 1 year HS course. Was this university course specifically designed for HS students where the material is present over a year and not a semester? Did the course cover Calculus 1 and Calculus 2?

Yes. The course covered Calculus 1 and 2. My D did not put in her Algebra or Geometry she took in middle school, so I’m hoping the calc class along with her 3 years of high school math will get her to 10 semesters and the additional 500 points for math.

What math classes did she take in HS?

@eyemgh She took Algebra 2 (trig), honors pre-calc, and AP Stats along with the Calc 1 and 2 class.

There’s been debate as to whether or not CP counts Statistics as an advanced math for the purposes of the MCA. Maybe @Gumbymom knows.

It does suck that the middle school math question is still there. They could just as easily infer a student took them based on the successful completion of higher maths. Maybe they leave it in to see if students are carefully reading the application. Either way, it creates issues every year.

There was a poster on last year’s SLO’s decision thread that called SLO admissions and it was confirmed that Stats was included in the advanced math bonus points.

Thanks @Gumbymom @eyemgh for the info. What are my daughter’s chances for civil engineering with an MCA of 4750 or 4550(have an Xtra 50)?

I would think good at 4750 and on the bubble at 4550. Good luck! I didn’t find any listed MCAs for civil in last year’s Final Status thread. Good luck.