<p>please respond</p>
<p>One, dude.</p>
<p>what sort of thread is this? Not funny at all, if you were trying to be.</p>
<p>How many students does it take to screw in a light bulb at UC Davis?</p>
<p>None, UC Davis doesn't have any electricity.</p>
<p>How many students does it take to screw in a light bulb at UC Berkeley:</p>
<p>83 students.</p>
<p>1 to attempt to do it
25 to protest that the treatment of the light bulb has been unfair
16 to claim that the light bulb deserves a severence package
31 to file letters of complaint
10 members to have a hearing for the change in light bulb</p>
<p>Now the laughs (if any) are over...let's get back to reality.</p>
<p>None. "Lights harsh my mellow."</p>
<p>1 to stand there, and then the world revolves around him....lol...jkjk I love stanford...I just heard that joke somewhere about something else</p>
<p>ilabcurious, I think that's the answer the the Harvard version of the joke, which makes it even funnier.</p>
<p>dogkakka and eiffelguy - lighten up. yeah, it's a bad joke, but have some kind of a sense of humor. you guys on the stanford board are so serious all the time. anyone looking to have some fun, come over the the yale board. we know how to laugh. ;)</p>
<p>Vanderbilt: Two--one to call the electrician and one to call daddy to pay the bill
Princeton: Two--one to mix the martinis and one to call the electrician
Brown: Eleven--one to change the light bulb and ten to share the experience
Dartmouth: None--Hanover doesn't have electricity
Cornell: Two--One to change the light bulb and one to crack under the pressure
Brandeis: The whole school. It would be the most exciting event to happen in years
Penn: Only one, but he gets six credits for it
Columbia: Seventy-six-- one to change the light bulb, fifty to protest the light bulb's right to not change, and twenty-five to hold a counter protest
Yale: None--New Haven looks better in the dark
Harvard: One--he holds the bulb and the world revolves around him
MIT: Five--one to design a nuclear powered one that never needs changing, one to figure out how to power the rest of Boston using that nuked light bulb two to install it, and one to write the computer program that controls the wall switch
Vassar: Eleven--one to screw it and ten to support its sexual orientation
Middlebury: Five--One to change the light bulb and four to find the perfect J. Crew outfit to wear for the occasion
Stanford: One, dude
Oberlin: Three--one to change it and two to figure out how to get high off the old one
Georgetown: Four--one to change it, one to call Congress about their progress, and two to throw the old bulb at the American U. students
Duke: A whole frat--but only one of them is sober enough to get the bulb out of the socket
Williams: The whole student body--when you're snowed in, there's nothing else to do
Tufts: Two--one to change the bulb and the other to say loudly how he did it as well as an Ivy League student
Sarah Lawrence: Five--one to change the bulb and four to do an interpretive dance about it
Swarthmore: Eight--it's not that one isn't smart enough to do it, it's just that they're all violently twitching from too much stress
Bryn Mawr: One- because it would be a violation of the Honor Code if any more did.
Boston University: Four--one to change the bulb and two to check his math homework
Wesleyan: Wesleyan's boycotting GE... you know, military-industrial complex and all that
Connecticut College: Two--one to change the bulb and one to complain about how if they were at a better school the light bulb wouldn't go out
UVA: Thirteen--Ten to form student committee to vote on whether changing light bulbs is a violation of the Honor Code, one to change the bulb, one to hold the keg the he's standing on, and another to attribute electricity to Mr. Jefferson.
Bowdoin: Three--one to ski down to the general store and buy the bulb, one to take the chairlift back to school, and one to screw it in
Boston College: Seven--one to change the light bulb and six to throw a party because he didn't screw it in upside down this time
UC Berkeley:: Eighty Three—one to attempt to do it, twenty five to protest that the treatment of the light bulb has been unfair, sixteen to claim that the light bulb deserves a severance package, thirty-one to file letters of complaint, ten members to have a hearing for the change in light bulb
Santa Clara University: One--but you would never know about it because only Cal and Stanford gets press for changing their light bulbs.</p>
<p>haha i like the Santa Clara U. one... probably because it's the only one I read, seeing as it's the last one on the list and I'm lazy.</p>
<p>Very funny-- where'd you get this?</p>
<p>actually from an old CC post that duke has a link to - i just thought i'd bring it here so the stanford thread could enjoy it too</p>