How many subject tests should a student take?

<p>I've seen many people on here take 4 or 5, but most colleges (and ivies) only require two. Maybe one school required three? Anyway, I've already taken one subject test, and I'm thinking about what others I should take. I feel like if I studied for two subject tests this year, my focus would be divided and they would only be around 750 max. But if I only concentrated on one, I could get it close to 800. What should I do?</p>

<p>Take 2 or 3 overall, wasting time to take like 6 is useless and noone cares about what you get on them anyways… just do very well on 2 or 3.</p>

<p>I haven’t seen anyone take 4 or 5. </p>

<p>First of all, I power studied SATII Chemistry for 3 days, 5 hours each day. I went from 660-770 (+110). Keep in mind, I did take an honors Chemistry Class before, but it wasn’t very rigorous. The SATII’s don’t require much time, and you can easily get 750+ on 2 or 3. </p>

<p>Also, the Math II is extremely easy to score well on, and if you have complete Calculus you are guaranteed a 750+. Also, the Math II usually doesn’t require ANY time at all to study for. Two of my close friends and myself included, completely winged the Math II (my friends didn’t even know how many questions there were) and we all got 800s. So the Math II is basically a gimme.</p>

<p>how is physics compared to the ap exam for physics?</p>

<p>^The Physics exam is just like the Physics B MC. Personally, I thought the SAT II was a bit more difficult than the AP MC.</p>

<p>^Interesting, I thought the Chem AP were easier than the SAT 2 chem. I did really well on both, but I felt like the SAT 2 were just a tad harder</p>

<p>would there be any huge gaps in my knowledge if I took the Chem SAT 2 after my honors chem course this year? My school is pretty average, although the same teacher teaches AP and honors chem. How long would I need to start prepping beforehand for the June SAT 2? A month? 2 months? I’m not sure if anyone can really answer this :P, but I’d appreciate any advice.</p>

<p>To the chem question:
One of my close friends took the SAT II after chem A. I’m not sure how hard he studied for the test (I’m assuming a decent amount), but he did awful, mainly because our teacher doesn’t cover everything on the SAT II (he said there was a lot of memorizing). You should definitely try it, but know that you’ll have to put in extra work.</p>

<p>I already took the math IIc…I studied for about a month but I didn’t get an 800…I also only got up to pre-calc. Anyway, would it make a big difference if I took 3 instead of 2?</p>