How many times should I call?

<p>Weird...I sent SATs about a month or two ago and my common app on time...
They're missing the recommendations (not sure how that happened) and my SATs. I was notified through a letter maybe a week after, a little more. I understand this happens, but I emailed them Sunday about it and called yesterday (Wednesday). It is Thursday. Is it too pesky if I called them again? I'm missing one of the deadlines because of this. Thanks!</p>

<p>Is it one of those things that doesn’t matter?</p>

<p>No, this is pretty big actually. Missing credentials such as teacher recs and SAT scores is crucial to the app. being read. Are you applying for regular decision undergrad? The college should have the teacher rec when downloaded with the common app., unless your teacher chose to send the paper copies through snailmail (?). Did you login to collegeboards to get a history of what’s been sent for you so far? You may have to pay the extra cost of having them “rush sent” again to the college you are applying. When do decisions come out???!
First call the admissions office and make certain that the items are still shown as missing (they may have it all now and it’s complete…hope so!) . If items are sitll missing, email teacher asking if they still have your rec forms, or letter, saved somewhere and can resend. If the teacher doesn’t, you may have to ask them to refill out the common app. teacher rec form, and offer to pay for overnight service–go out of your way to make it easy on them (print them off for them and bring to them immediately), and then resend SAT scores with rush service.</p>

<p>Thanks, but I want to know about contacting the school. I know that they need them, but I’d like to explain that I sent everything responsibly. I asked one of my other schools if they got my SATs to check, and they had them. It said that the college downloaded the letter the day after I sent them, and it said I sent the SATs to the college. I’d rather talk to them first instead of sending them. : /</p>

<p>No, I totally get that you did everthing right! Sounds like they should have them. But we had a similar case. Sent SAT scores to UC system back in early fall and after submitting app. in Nov., they show it as not received. Had to resend the scores and will never know why the originals didn’t get received. Also, had issues with a mid-year report at another school. It’s definitely NOT your fault. I was just trying to fix the problem as quickly as possible and that would be the way I would approach it. However, I see you’ve already tried to contact admissions a couple times. I would try again and see if you can get someone to help you in admissions --it’s down to the wire if this is regular decisions. Is their a blog where you can contact one of the deans? I am happy to say that a dean at one of the top schools helped my son personally when the mid-year report issue needed to be resolved, so it’s worth a shot! Try anything!</p>

<p>Yeah, I called again, and they picked up this time. : ) Thanks a lot, I’ll just have to fax it tomorrow…</p>