Due to speech and debate tournaments taking up every weekend, I didn’t take my first ACT until April (I’m a junior) and got a 29. I am aiming for a higher score (31-34) and am retaking it this Saturday. I’m curious though, if I don’t improve is it worth taking it again in October?..
- Hope you did well in ACT last week. If you are willing to take test once again, suggest to take SAT. It is not uncommon that some students do well in ACT and some do well SAT. For all you know you may surprise yourself with much better score in SAT.
- Since in other threads you have stated, GWU is your top choice and also doing extensive research on Medical Career, have you considered BS/MD programs (you do this only if you are 110% sure that you want to pursue medical career). Because GWU has a BS/MD program. Though you are near or below average from test score alone, you have a other activities and you never know.
- Don’t plan on California schools (I am CA resident). A. It is not the ideal schools for pre-med (too many students trying to do the same thing and very less opportunities and need to be self-driven and don’t expect spoon feeding by school program offices). B. It is too expensive . C. Getting GPA is cut throat.
- In one thread, some one gave extensive suggestions for schools in Utah and that makes sense. Use WUE program to your advantage. Even for MD tap UWash if Oregon is covered.
Yes, you can take the Act 3 times if needed. It’s not uncommon