How many UC students does it take to change a lightbulb?

<p>Hella was like, so last year man. </p>

<p>We always get the credit for the hella fad, but I never really heard it.</p>

<p>We hella say it all the time!</p>

<p>Aight aight i agree with most of these, except i think UCSD should be.............</p>

<p>Answer: 2
1 to change the light bulb, and the other to count all the money we be makin cuz we didnt spend the second half of our lives praising the fact that we graduated from LA or expecting shiit to be handed to us cuz we graduated from SC!</p>

<p>Chyeaaaaaa boiii thats right, we hit em where it hurts................;)</p>

<p>Did you mean to say SD?? not SC...</p>

<p>Even so...I don't get it lol.</p>

<p>However, that 2006 joke about weed here is completely false.... If any UC should get the weed one it should be Santa Cruz. </p>

<p>It should probably be: it takes 0 UCSD students to screw in a lightbulb cuz they cared more about making it early to their premed association meeting.</p>

I like this one:</p>

<p>How many Norcal students does it take to change a light bulb?</p>



<p>Ok, I'll give you that one. Hahaha</p>

<p>Nice list, OP.</p>

But yeah, I don't really get the SD one. Are UCSD students rumored to smoke a lot of pot?</p>


<p>the original post I love them all</p>

<p>they are so funny and TRUE!</p>


<p>UCLA: Two. 1 to change the bulb, and another to call their friends at USC and tell them how they changed it just as well and for much cheaper. (True, USC is so freaking expensive!)</p>

<p>CAL: Three. 1 to change the bulb and two to debate about the metaphysical state of the bulb and how its invention has impacted human development. (hahahaha)</p>

<p>UCSD: Five. 1 to hold the bulb and 4 to start smoking weed until the room spins.</p>

<p>UCI: Eleven. 1 to change the bulb and ten to sit around watching because honestly, what else is there to do at Irvine past 10pm?? (there is pretty much nothing else to do past that time)</p>

<p>UCR: Three. 1 to steal the bulb, another to drive the getaway car, and the last to call all his friends to throw the celebration party on a Tuesday night. (hahaha, I've lived around Riverside, so true)</p>

<p>UCSB: Seven. 1 to screw the bulb and 6 to screw each other. (hahaha, so I've heard)</p>

<p>UC Davis: Zero. There is no electricity in Davis. (my friend goes to Davis, he tells me about the darkness there)</p>

<p>UC Merced: Two. One to hold the bulb while the other calls his friend asking for help in figuring out this "new college thing." (hahahaha, true, Merced, funny)</p>

<p>UCSC: None since they are living in the forest (where is SC anyways?)</p>

<p>No... I don't know that many ppl at UCSD at all that smoke pot. Obviously a decent amount have before but no...</p>

<p>Yeah, not sure about the UCSD one. I know just as many, if not more, friends who go to UCB that smoke pot than here at UCSD.</p>

<p>LOL cute hahaha</p>

<p>UCSC is near some of the nicest beaches in the state. It’s true that the immediate surrounding area is forested, but why should that mean they dont have lightbulbs? It’s not like they’re known for being technologically backwards -__-</p>

<p>And the SD one is just silly.</p>

<p>UCI: 1 to change the lightbulb and 2 to check US News to see if their lightbulb department has become better than Davis’s and Santa Barbara’s.</p>

<p>UCSB: 1 to screw in the lightbulb and 40 who came in because they heard about the lightbulb screwing party. There was beer.</p>

<p>UC Davis: 1 because everyone loves Davis. Either that or something about cows.</p>

<p>UCSD: 1 to screw in the lightbulb and 1 to make a joke about how there’s nothing else to do at UCSD.</p>

<p>Berkeley: 20. 10 hippies who wandered into the room and 10 students who were rejected from Haas.</p>

<p>LA: 100 to screw in the lightbulb and 100 who are waiting outside because they tried to sign up for Lightbulb Screwing 101 two hours after sign-up started.</p>

<p>UC Riverside: 4, because 3 will have transferred out before the lightbulb goes in.</p>

<p>Merced: 1 to screw in the lightbulb and a few thousand more to ask Michelle Obama to speak when they turn on the switch.</p>

<p>Santa Cruz: 1 to screw in the lightbulb and 29 to have a discussion on the racist and sexist implications of lightbulbs.</p>

<p>SD one is silly… i thought SD has a reputation for boring people and nothing to do.
I like the norcal + hella one XD
nice logic warrior… I like your berkeley one haha XD</p>

<p>After one of Cal’s many Big Game victories over Stanford, a Cal student and a Stanford student are standing next to each other at the urinals in the Mens’ Room.</p>

<p>The Stanford student finishes peeing, then goes to the sink to wash his hands. The Cal student finishes peeing, then walks directly outside.</p>

<p>The Stanford student walks outside to reprimand the Cal student. “At Stanford-Leland Junior University,” he says proudly, “we always wash our hands after using the restroom.”</p>

<p>The Cal student replies, “At Cal, we don’t pee on our hands.”</p>

<p>Go Bears.</p>