<p>How many 6000 word classes can you handle in one semester? UF has the 24,000 word writing requirement. Are two or more classes at the same time doable in a 12-15 hour load?</p>
<p>If you’re taking 12 credits, 12,000 words is doable. More than that in either respect would be rough IMO</p>
<p>Thanks for the input.</p>
<p>With regards to the writing requirement, does testing out of comp 1101 and 1102 qualify? Where do you find how many “words” a class counts for? And, do some of the history, etc., classes have a writing component which accounts for some of this? Hmmm … I’ll probably answer my own question and go digging into a catalog. D really hopes to avoid classes with lots of writing, LOL. One of the reasons she’s taking AP Lang and Lit in high school. </p>
<p>My dd took AP Lang and AP lit in high school. She got credit for freshman english/ENC 1101 (for the AP lang) and American Lit/AML 2070 (for the AP Lit). What credit you get depends upon your grade on the AP exam.</p>
<p>Here is the UF credit chart for the AP exams;
[Office</a> of the University Registrar](<a href=“http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/catalog/policies/advisingcreditap.html]Office”>http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/catalog/policies/advisingcreditap.html)</p>
<p>Most classes with writing count for 6000 words so someone without any AP or CLEP credit would need to take 4 classes with writing to fulfill the gordon rule.</p>
So, when you see the little (wr) after a course, that means with writing which is 6,000 words? If so, she easily has it already between all her AP social science, history, art history, and english classes. Thanks for the AP chart, seiclan, I had just been checking that out. She has a tons of AP credit (4’s and 5’s on all), it’s just now figuring out the best way to use the credit for her major. </p>
<p>zebes :)</p>
<p>When you check out the course schedules (like for instance, this spring’s English classes … [Office</a> of the University Registrar](<a href=“http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/soc/200901/all/englishs.htm]Office”>http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/soc/200901/all/englishs.htm) )
the section that says WM (writing and math) will have a number in it if it counts toward the gordon rule. A WM of 6 = 6000 words, 4 = 4000 etc…
It works the same for the math requirement. A “M” in the WM section means that it counts as a gordon rule math class. OK?</p>
Ah … thank you. I hadn’t been able to find this. I feel as though I go from link to link and still can’t find things. LOL I know all of this will be discussed during advising, but as we did with our son (at UCF), we want to have most of it figured out in advance because it makes the computer time much faster if you have a handle of what you’re doing when you’re signing up. Made a difference for him as he was already through inputing a schedule while other kids were still looking up course numbers. I figure as UF honors doesn’t have the same priority reg that he gets, it’ll be even more necessary to have a handle on how this all works. </p>
<p>And OP, I am soooo sorry for disrupting your thread. I will shut up now. :)</p>
<p>Yep, I came in needing 6,000 words thanks to AP’s taking up the other 18,000. Most of the time you’ll need some writing course for your major or core classes so some writing will be done…</p>
<p>If you’re going to try to handle 12,000 words in one semester, just be aware that some classes will require you to write papers even though they don’t count towards any “words.” I wouldn’t recommend rushing through that requirement unless you actually have a reason to, other than to just get it over with.</p>