How many years of Language??

I want to go into STEM. I’m currently a sophomore. I either can take the third year of Honors Latin or take an AP science elective. WHich is the better choice??

Most here would consider that a false choice, and tell you to take the third year of language. I am somewhat on the fence. The problem with stopping at two years of FL is that limits the schools to which you can apply.

Google the common data set of all of the schools you are considering applying to (common datat set ) and look at section C to see the recommended/required core HS classes. It is best to meet or exceed any requirements/ recommendations. A number of colleges (especially the more competitive ones in terms of admission) do want to see 3 - 4 years of foreign language regardless of what you plan to study in college.

In another post you said you were going to take APES – I would suggest honors Latin 3 would be a better class to take.

From your earlier post:

So to answer your question, unless each and every one of your target colleges only requests 2 years of a foreign language, you should take Latin. You should not double up on science at the expense of another core subject.

Unless your future plans include environmental science, you should think hard about taking APES. Colleges all know which AP classes are the challenging ones, and APES is on few AOs list as a more rigorous AP science. If you really have a burning desire to study ES, push it to senior year.

Many colleges want 3-4 years of a language. I would take that. You have plenty of time to take AP science. You don’t need AP ES just because it is an AP class.

Take the language