<p>i have 3 years of science...bio/chem honors/ap bio</p>
<p>should i take one more year of it? if i do, i will have seven classes for both semesters of my senior year....ALSO, i'm not really interested in science...and i don't intend on majoring in anything requiring science...interested in business and law...so will not having four years of science and no physics, hurt me when i apply for colleges?</p>
<p>Take it. I hate science too. But i will have 5 science credits by next year</p>
<p>If you are aiming for a top-tier school, they will expect 4 years of science. But nowhere is it written that it has to be at the AP or Honors level.</p>
<p>A lot of top Prep schools have switched basic Physics to Freshman and Sophmore years, as it is considered the underpinnings of all other sciences. As that the AdComms at top schools will be looking at a lot of Prep School applications, the lack of Physics will stick out as an oddly missing. </p>
<p>Sign up for Physics</p>
<p>take as many years as possible. its tuff i no. but as toadstool said it looks good.
i took 6 years of physics, chem, and bio. ill let u no in april if it was worth it…</p>
<p>I took three years of science in high school (Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, and AP Anatomy and Physiology). I don’t intend on majoring in a science related area either, so I decided to gear my senior year schedule towards the sort of classes that would help in the major I am in fact interested in (political science and international relations). I took a double history/government class instead (AP Comparitive Politics and Honors Modern World History).</p>
<p>i took Bio, Pre-AP Bio, AP Bio, Accelerated Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Honors Physics
So i took a lot of science…I took Pre-AP because i switched schools and they wouldn’t let me just do AP without it…it was really dumb but whatever.
But i am planning on studying a science in college. The more the better in my mind</p>
<p>I’ll be attending a top liberal arts college as an intended economics or history major. I took honors earth science, honors biology, honors astronomy, honors chemistry, and honors physics. Do not stop at three years if you attend on applying to top tier schools.</p>
<p>Take a 4th year of science. It doesn’t have to be Physics. Take a science elective like astronomy or earth science. Environment Science is a good choice for future Political Science students (think Environmental issues, Environmental Policy, global warming, etc.).</p>