How may I help you?

<p>After a vaguely business-related internship, almost two semesters in an IT-related campus job, and only one quarter of freshman year left at a top ten school, I realize I enjoy pleasing people. I know -- it took a while to figure out. There is very little more satisfying to me than devising a flexible, creative solution to a problem for a customer/client. I do this every single day at my campus job, and I just get giddy every time I see a customer/client pleased with my work. I am obsessed with ensuring that when someone brings a problem to me that I bring 110% to the table. If I see my co-workers not effectively solving a problem for someone, I get upset knowing that the person we are supposed to be helping is getting sub-par treatment. We have all been on the side of incompetent professional help, and it annoys me awfully. </p>

<p>I'll be working this summer as an economics research assistant, but I am afraid that academia may not be the best fit for my personality. It takes a special type of person to tolerate the Academy, and I am not entirely sure that I am comfortable with pursuing academia. What exactly do should I be looking at? I love the cerebral aspects of work, and I wholeheartedly want to design solutions to problems. It's a vague notion, I understand. I've been looking at consulting, but are there any other avenues I should explore?</p>

<p>Wow, consulting definitely. If you like the business side of things more, go with management consulting. If you really like the IT side of things, go with IT consulting. Keep in mind though, that management consulting is considered much more prestigious than IT consulting, particularly at the top firms.</p>