How much allowance should my parents give me for BS?

You might need more at the beginning of the year, since books, fall and winter clothes and coat/boots, dorm set up items will all be needed in the fall. Then less in the winter and spring so the average per month is still what you planned.

Yeah, I think I’m gonna ask my mom to transfer two months of allowance first so i can just spend what’s left for two months after I buy all the books and dorm stuff, then do the same thing when it’s time to buy winter clothes.

We are not rich. But my daughter has always been responsible and wise on spending since she was a young child. I have never refused her request of buying something or giving her money because she has been reasonable. Couple years ago I gave her access to my Amazon account and she hasn’t disappointed me.

Since I don’t have any reason to believe that she will spend where I wouldn’t allow her, and as Summer before her boarding school started and she wants to often walk to a close-by mall on her own, I just gave her own credit card on my account, which she will bring to the boarding school.