<p>Touchy topic, but how much can i slack off now that I was accepted ED?</p>
<p>inb4 rage</p>
<p>Touchy topic, but how much can i slack off now that I was accepted ED?</p>
<p>inb4 rage</p>
<p>Normally colleges don’t care if your grades drop only one letter grade but a lot more then that they start to worry.</p>
<p>If you really deserve to attend a prestigious school, it shouldn’t even be possible for you to care little enough to get grades that would be bad enough to be a concern. However… Bs are fine, one or two Cs wouldn’t matter, but with mostly Cs and/or a D, I would start to worry.</p>
<p>I only know of one person who got academic probation after he started failing AP Chemistry.
He pretty much did no work after he got accepted into Cornell, but surprisingly, he still came here despite that fact.
I would say as long as you don’t fail, you’re fine.</p>
<p>Drop out of school they won’t even notice.</p>
<p>It looks like I’ll be pulling straight b’s this semester… My parents aren’t happy, but I’m not worried too much. As long as I can still get a few 5s for credits when AP tests come around I see no real reason not to relax a bit.</p>
<p>I dunno, I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to study for the test if you get an A in the class because the material is about the same.</p>
<p>Also be careful about the “I’ll study at the end” strategy. It never works.</p>
<p>I’m speaking from experience, I didn’t even really get senioritis and senior year (still maintained all As) was still the only year where i didn’t get all 5s on my APs.</p>