How much clubbing?

<p>Can any current students advise on the party atmosphere at UM? My D has been accepted and read somewhere that there is a lot of clubbing, so she is a little hesitant since this is not what she enjoys. Can I get some feedback on what kids do evenings, or weekends? I know that there will be a range of activities, of course, but is there an overiding clubbing mentality like the college books say?</p>

<p>I’m not a student at the U of Miami, but I’m hoping to be in 2 years :). I have however lived in Miami and there are so many great things to do in Miami that don’t involve partying or drinking! Your daughter will be mins from the beach and there are so many museums or festivals. It’s a fun place to be, and the weather definitely helps.</p>

<p>My S who is now a junior has not been clubbing, nor have his friends. Students tend to find like-minded friends and there are plenty who do not have the desire or the cash needed for clubbing…plenty of other ways to have fun, either on or off campus.</p>

<p>As a current freshman here I can tell you that while there are groups of people that go clubbing every weekend, there are also groups that do not. Your D will definitely see a lot of club goers (after all this is Miami) but there is no pressure for her to do the same and there are so many different kinds of people here that she’ll definitely find a group of friends with similar interests.</p>

<p>If it helps, I don’t plan on clubbing if I go here :). I prefer just hanging with friends rather than clubbing or going to large, crazy parties. I’m a guy by the way.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Much appreciated! I will definitely pass along your comments to my D.</p>

<p>Also forgot to mention…I recently contacted someone who use to go to my HS who goes there. He said what someone previously said…the people who love clubbing will end up with like-minded people, while the people who don’t will end up with people who are not into the club scene.</p>




<p>(In LSAT lingo, this is “the credited response”. Meaning I couldn’t have said it better myself.)</p>

<p>There are definitely a lot of people who go clubbing (starting Thursday, which really boggles my mind) but then again, there are a lot of people who don’t. None of my friends really do, and I haven’t even been to one yet. The frequent clubbers kind of stick together.</p>

<p>I was also wondering about this. I party a little bit, but I’m not big on clubbing. Are there viable non-club, party options?</p>

<p>Definitely. A friend of mine goes to frat parties like every week. It’s pretty much always the frats/sororities that throw them.</p>

<p>Just be careful and don’t drink the jungle juice. One of my friends got roofied that way.</p>

<p>There are frat parties almost every weekend and you do not have to pay/be in a frat or sorority to attend. </p>

<p>^don’t scare the students. I went to a frat party and drank whatever they had and I was fine. That may have happened to one student one time, but that is not the majority’s experience.</p>

<p>^The drinks in bottles and cans are usually fine, but you should never have the mixed drinks (jungle juice, punch), because you have no idea what could be in them. Most the of the time it won’t be anything dangerous, but you should never take that chance.</p>