<p>Which math courses in particular? Or maybe none?</p>
<p>I plan to pursue a Philosophy PhD. I'm not sure if I want to specialize in fields like logic and philosophy of mathematics, but I have a few extra course slots left which I plan to use on math. I've a feeling that math classes would be useful to my philosophy training in ways that philosophy courses can't teach. What should I take (besides mathematical logic)?</p>
<p>I’ve done till Calculus II. So the next in sequence would be Linear Algebra and Calculus III. I’m still in my sophomore year though, so I have plenty more time to take as much math as I want (or can handle).</p>
<p>If you already know your calculus and linear algebra, I’d recommend you take real analysis. I think that would be the most interesting for a philosopher. Assuming you can handle it.</p>
<p>If that’s too advanced, then just take calculus. But if your school has a more rigorous proof-based calc sequence designed for math majors (as opposed to engineers and other sciences), then definitely choose that.</p>
As another option, at my school I took a non-euclidean geometry class that I think the philosophically minded would enjoy. </p>
<p>Like another poster mentioned, it would be helpful if you described your mathematical background.</p>
<p>I think a proof based course in a fundamental subject like real analysis, topology, or abstract algebra would be a good idea. These classes would introduce you to the methods of proof used throughout math and would also give you insight into some of the basic objects of math.</p>
<p>Didn’t take much math, but from what I’ve been told, if you’re interested in logic or philosophy of math, the courses crispyk recommended would be most helpful in addition to set theory and mathematical logic.</p>
<p>The advice given in this thread is solid. Definitely mathematical logic would be the best choice, followed (in my opinion) by abstract algebra (or perhaps real analysis).</p>
<p>An undergraduate friend of mine who majored in math and philosophy also took a probability course. I’ve read very little academic philosophy, but one book I picked up quoted Bayes’ Theorem at me early on and required some comfort with probability theory to really understand.</p>
<p>I am I mathematics major, with a fair amount of coursework in philosophy. Everyone seems to have suggested mathematical logic, which I have not taken, though I know it is offered in the philosophy department of most universities.</p>
<p>Anyway, I’m not sure of the mathematical backgrounds of other people commenting here, but many of the courses suggested so far are much too advanced for someone with your background.</p>
<p>Though they don’t all directly apply to all upper level math, most professors would tell you that you should take at least Calculus III and possibly Linear Algebra before venturing into other math.</p>
<p>The other posts started to concern me when I saw Real Analysis recommended multiple times. That class is a core component of any worthwhile undergraduate math program, and is extremely difficult, known colloquially as “the organic chemistry of the math department.”</p>
<p>Unless you are very passionate about math, though real analysis is logic based and would be a good course to take, it may not be the best one for you given the time and dedication it takes, and the rigorous math it involves.</p>
<p>I might recommend some courses still based in logic but with less rigorous mathematics, and that will consume less of your time since math isn’t your primary interest. If your unversity offers a cryptography course, this is good for light math and heavy logic. If you’re a little bit more comfortable with math, some course work in number theory or combinatorics might be interesting to you. But for the latter two, you definitely need the mind one has after Calculus III.</p>