Hey fellow CCers. I just finished my sophomore year of high school and my new GPA got released today. Unfortunately, it had me a bit fretful. I am well aware that after your sophomore year, your GPA becomes significantly more difficult to change, but luckily my GPA won’t be as much of a pain to cope with. Right now, I have about 3.69 unweighted GPA (a 3.68750 to be exact). While this is good, I want an even better one to maximize my scholarship opportunities. I currently have 18.5 high school credits and I recieve 8 credits per year. How many A’s will it take to offset this and at the VERY least recieve a 3.75 by the end of my junior year/ early senior year when I start applying to colleges? It would also be absolutely fantastic if I can get a 3.8 or higher.
At the end of my freshman year, I had a 3.9, and then during sophomore year it dropped to a cumulative 3.7. Junior year, I took 2 APs and kept my grades as high as possible (1 B and 1 B+ first semester, all As second semester) and my unweighted is back up to a 3.9. (I don’t know the exact decimals to any of these numbers but it’s close enough)
Your best bet is to take a few APs that you KNOW you will get As in. Not the best at math? Don’t take AP calc. AP psychology is pretty easy. I also took AP language and composition and I recommend it because it’ll really prepare you for the grammar and essay part of the SAT/ACT, but again, if English isn’t your strongest subject and you’re not sure if you could get an A in the class, perhaps take a different AP. I’m going to assume that you’ve already finished your scheduling for next year, so hopefully you already added an AP or two to your schedule next year.
If you can get all As next year (with perhaps room for a B), I’m sure you could get there, especially with the weight of the AP classes.
It’s true that junior year is the most stressful in regards to keeping your grades up and getting good test scores. I slacked off first semester (this explains my 2 B’s) and second semester I was kicking myself in the butt for it. Always stay on top of your grades! You’ll thank yourself later, trust me.
If you’re feeling a bit on the lazy side, take a college tour. After I went to my first tour I got down to business and really started studying. Keeping college in the back of your mind definitely keeps you motivated to try hard.
Good luck!
(3.69 * 18.5) + (X * 8) = 3.75 * 26.5
Solve for X to find the GPA you will need in your Junior year (for the 8 credits you will be enrolled in) to have a total GPA of 3.75 at the end of Junior year. I’m sure if my math is wrong someone will correct me…
@microssrunner17 Thanks for the input, a 3.9 would be a dream come true and yes I will be taking 3 AP classes (AP Chem, Physics and Lang) that I’m positive I can succeed in, so I suppose that would be somewhat conducive to my goal. Luckily, I won’t be taking APUSH as I’m not so good at history for some strange reason. And thank you for your suggestions in my last post I really appreciate it. @oneundecided Thanks for the attempt. Me and my dad tried to calculate my GPA and it was incorrect…