@notigering thank you for your input! It’s very balanced and comprehensive. It’s true that no one knows my situation, and I have kept that in mind. I wanted different perspectives on how much debt people are willing to take on for college, and I’ve discovered a multitude of answers.
Unfortunately my parents aren’t the best at keeping promises, but they try. It’s a 50/50 guess, so I need to be a little more mature about this situation.
Even so, I’ve always been an anxious type A sort of person. While my parents are more optimistic, I’ve never seen the glass half full. Even I realize that I underestimate myself a lot and often am too anxious. However, I think this choice is extremely important and worth the extra caution. I will continue to squeeze out info from my parents, so hopefully I will be more confident with my choices by the time I apply.
@LBad96 Yup! I know I like Tech, and I’ve been to my safety school many times before. I’ve scheduled a visit at Bama, so hopefully I can confirm if I like it or not. The only school I’m iffy about is my CC, but I’d only have to stay there for 2 years… I’m trying to find more engineering schools that I like, but I’ll try starting a new thread for that…