How much demostrated interest is too much?

<p>I have been wondering how much demostrated interest is too much? I am talking mostly about non Ivy schools, LAC. It has been my experience that small schools are very sensitive to attention student gives them. My D has been in good contact with several admission officers from her favorite schools. Some schools she visited several times, sat on classes, talked to coaches, met with faculty, had interviews, etc.
What is a correlation between financial offers and demostrated interest if any, specially considering preferrential packaging most college do?
How much demonstrated interest is appropriate after she recieved admission offer but before recieving fin aid package?
Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Demonstrated interest can make a big difference in admissions. I think it is unlikely that interest will help with financial awards. In fact there are concerns that it can hurt. Colleges can consider that the highly interested student will come even without the best possible award. The best tactic is to clearly demonstrate interest prior to acceptance. Then take a more neutral posture if you intend to ask for re-consideration on the financial package.</p>