<p>I was one point shy of making a 35 composite on my ACT (I have a 35 superscored...):</p>
<p>E: 36 (12 essay)
R: 33
M: 33
S: 35</p>
<p>Are the adcoms going to differentiate between my 34, and someone who barely made a 34? (e.g. 34, 34, 33, 33) If they were comparing my application to someone's who has very similar stats but a technically "lower 34", are they even going to take that into account?</p>
<p>It probably won’t matter much. I’d say even the difference between a 34 and a 35 is negligible, but I’m sure there are some here who would disagree with me there.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I’m in the same boat… high 34 and 35 superscored – woo go us!</p>
<p>According to the ACT percentile charts, composite scores above 32 are considered to be in the 99th pct-ile, so it’s probably not that big of a deal. You’re still in the top 1% of all students who took the ACT. Here’s the chart:</p>
<p>honestly, I would only worry about it if you are applying for scholarships that require a 35+ act. As far as admissions goes, no, it will not make a difference, in fact I would go so far as to state that a person that has a 33 could have much better chances then you depending on their gpa/ecs. Once you get above to 33, its all gravy.</p>