How much do engr interns (1st yr master) get paid?

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>Just got my first offer as a co-op recently, wondering if the salary is acceptable. I'm a first year master student in electrical engr from a top10 university. My offer is from a well-known company in san jose. I'm offered 23 per hr and 3k relocation bonus. Since it's my first real technical job, I'm pretty much sure that I'll take it. However, I wants to know how that salary stands on national average. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I’d say it’s a pretty mediocre offer, especially since it’s in San Jose. Most EEs from good schools get jobs that work out to around $60k a year.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There’s CMU’s salary statistics for recent grads.</p>

<p>You can also try searching for statistics for that area. Here’s their info for Electrical Engineer I.</p>



<p>[’s</a> Salary Wizard™- Do you know what you’re worth?](<a href=“Personal Salary Reports and Small Business Compensation Solutions |”>Personal Salary Reports and Small Business Compensation Solutions |</p>

<p>See if that link works to get to their “general” engineering job which has a median salary that’s roughly the same.</p>

<p>Edit: Also note, these are for people with a BS and 0-2 years of experience. As a MS graduate you could probably be making a bit more.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, RacinReaver. I figures that it’s a medicore offer too. Too bad dont have the stats for interns…</p>

<p>Yeah that’s about how much a junior/senior makes in college…</p>

<p>$23/hr is not much, i’d say its low. The 3k relo stipend is good though.</p>

<p>I think san jose is somewhat expensive when it comes to housing(750-850/month for a single room) since there isn’t public transportation like in NYC. So you would need to drive out there and be heavily dependent on your vehicle.</p>

<p>Pretty much, if you don’t have a car, you’re shi-t outta luck</p>

<p>Just updating a bit…</p>

<p>After talking to my academic advisor and confirm that I could get course credit for my degree, I’ve accepted the offer. Hopefully I will learn something from the co-op experience. Thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>JPNguyen, I had a couple of friends in san jose, their rents are like 600ish for a single room, but they’re living with their landlords though… Hopefully I can find a cheap one like that.</p>