How much do you bench press or curl?

<p>I know a kid who weighed 211 in 7th grade.</p>

<p>All muscle?</p>

<p>That’s not normal at all. That’s a grown man, if he’s sub 10% body fat then hats off to him. If not, then he’s fat as ****.</p>

<p>Yeah, that kid you’re talking about HAS to have had some cupcakes in his 13-14 years because a 211 lb all muscle kid is something you’d expect on the Maury Show.</p>

<p>He’s like a mixture of muscle and fat.</p>

<p>He’s always been tall/literally big. He’s a good football player though, perhaps largely in part due to his size. I have a feeling lots of the weigh is just fat. Still, he doesn’t look like your clich</p>

<p>Lol I really can’t curl or bench that much because I’m a vegetarian and don’t have significant protein intake. Either way, I really don’t care haha</p>

<p>But yeah, no females because most girls don’t really lift. I’d say females are better at cardio than at weights (obviously), but still behind guys because boobs hold them back.</p>

<p>However girls are pretty effing solid when it comes to flexibility.</p>

<p>Because benching is tris and pectorals, while curling is mainly biceps.</p>

<p>I’d say my biceps are crap compared to my triceps, and I have strong @SS man titties.</p>

<p>Oh and I was talking about training for curls. I can max like 40-45, but train with 20s -_-</p>

<p>^^ not really. If anything, boobs would “hold us back” for things like cardio, which you just acknowledged they don’t…</p>

<p>hahahahha man titties…</p>

<p>I said more adept at cardio than weightlifting, but I still think boobs slow girls down. Aren’t mammary glands just adipose tissue basically? …So do boobs slow girls down or affect lifting, etc. ?</p>

<p>cough cough pecs of steel haha…eh more like wood.</p>

<p>yeah breasts are mainly just fat. that’s why swimmers and a lot of runners don’t have big boobs because they burn so much fat. they don’t really hinder running that much. you get used to it. haha. i don’t bench or anything like that, i just use free weights, dumbbells, and medicine balls in my workouts. usually i use 10 or 15 pounders. i think women do alot more cardio than men do. kinda weird i guess.</p>

<p>I would be able to answer that question if I knew what adipose tissue was hahaha.</p>

<p>and, wood’s still pretty solid.</p>

<p>adipose tissue= fat. simply a medical term for fat. haha.</p>

<p>Bench–havent maxed in ages… 10x160 is my best, equal to about 210. Oh and 42 reps of 100 pounds the first day of track practice. </p>

<p>Squat–2x190 as a freshman in a 2 week summer class. Never really lifted legs.
Deadlift–200 or so. Same as above.</p>

<p>Curl–Do reps with 25 or 30 pound dumbbells (10 reps), did 80 on seated preacher curls until I switched, but I could use my legs on that.</p>

<p>Lifting maybe twice a month has meant that I havent increased in a while. But still I’d say pretty good for a cross country runner.</p>

<p>Bench Press- rep 225 (haven’t maxed in forever)
Curl-30 or 35 pounds (10 reps)</p>

<p>Lift pretty much every other day</p>

Dead lift-410
I’m a girl :)</p>

<p>One of my brothers benches over 400 and squats over 600 :slight_smile: I love lifting weights!!!</p>

<p>^^ I’m surprised. Good Job!, I’ve never seen a girl with numbers that high ever. Especially that dead lift, i know guys who can’t hit that. (I cant either hahah). What sport do you play? How long have you been lifting?
@Aqsewfqq Trust me bro, compared to most cross country runners, you’re like Arnold Schwarzenegger.</p>

<p>Get off the bench and work on squats thought. Benching won’t really get you far with running. Squat heavy weights, and you’ll see that muscular endurance sore through the roof.</p>

<p>@Live4Physics. So what is he like 17% body fat i’d assume. That’s usually the range for kids who are like that. Most of the linebackers are like that.</p>

<p>Yea causet he kid, i’m talking about is cut. Like he’s 205 now with 5% body fat.</p>

<p>Bench Press: 105
Curl: 25
Leg Press: 515
Calf raise: 330+body weight</p>

<p>Thanks Dax! I just graduated, but I participated in volleyball, soccer, and powerlifting. In competitions, my deadlift always put me at or near the top :slight_smile: I don’t like cardio workouts at all…I love weights! I started lifting in ninth grade. My mom likes lifting also! She benches 135 :slight_smile: My brothers are who got me interested in the sport.</p>

<p>Soccer nice. Power lifting?, Almost unheard of for girls. Nice work!
I know what you mean about cardio, i like lifting loads more than i like cardio.</p>

<p>I’m digging that dead lift thought. Your core must be amazingly strong.</p>