How much do YOU think YOU need to retire? ...and at what age will you (and spouse) retire? (Part 1)

<p>Good reminder to check on deductible. Originally we had $2000, but about 10 years ago our agent found a better deal based on our good credit rating. Better coverage, lower cost, and $500 deductible. Five months later that came in handy for roof replacement (over $10K) after hail storm. I’ll have it repriced with higher deductible… we’d probably not care to mess around with small claims anyway. </p>

<p>Now what I can’t change is my zip code. And I think that’s the main factor here. </p>


@"Deborah T"‌ - what the heck are you talking about? What is snide or sad or rude about suggesting someone shop around for a better deal? Or check their deductible?</p>

<p>I don’t get it.</p>

<p>“shopping around”</p>



<p>What else would you call it when you call a bunch of different companies getting quotes on a service you want to try to get a better deal? </p>

<p>I wasn’t making a joke, “inside” or otherwise. I have no idea where you are coming from on this.</p>

<p>If “shopping around” has some sort of secret meaning it’s beyond me, I am not one of the cool kids who knows stuff like that.</p>

<p>Okay. I choose to believe you. There have been many humor and mayo real vs not real posts lately, and insinuating a woman is shopping around or otherwise trying to ridicule her or cast aspersions is typically a popular sport.</p>

<p>You lost me on that too, Deborah. I agree, notrichenough, it is time to shop around. I put that on my to do list after our insurance company sent us a letter saying that our credit history wasn’t long enough. Apparently, having insurance with them for twenty years and owning a home for the same length of time isn’t cutting it. Our rates haven’t gone up yet but I am waiting for the rates to jump.</p>


Apology accepted. :wink: </p>


<p>onward - That’s crazy… 20 years a a client should be plenty of history. </p>

<p>Deborah T…inquiring minds want to know. What were you referring to in your last five or six posts? </p>

<p>What was your issue with the term “shopping around” in reference to finding good better rates for insurance?</p>

<p>I feel like I’ve totally missed the boat on your posts.</p>

<p>Thumper, probably best to just let this thread get back on track. :)</p>

<p>I think some insurance companies just arbitrarily raise prices knowing many people won’t do anything just because they can’t be bothered to look around. If they lose a few customers they don’t care, they’ll pick up some customers from other companies pulling the same crap.</p>

<p>The credit history stuff is crap.</p>

<p>I feel old. I have no idea what the shopping around thing is. I need to get with it.</p>

<p>Colorado_mom, are you or your husband veterans, dept of defense, or service academy graduates? If so, Armed Forces Insurance ( is awesome. What you are paying is crazy expensive, and I know they can beat that price by a long shot. Plus, they never mess around with you, lie to you, they are straightforward. I love them, there is no deception, nothing but great service and cheap prices. It’s what USAA used to be. If you are eligible for them, I would really check their prices!</p>

<p>"I think some insurance companies just arbitrarily raise prices knowing many people won’t do anything just because they can’t be bothered to look around. If they lose a few customers they don’t care, they’ll pick up some customers from other companies pulling the same crap.</p>

<p>The credit history stuff is crap"</p>

<p>Yes. Total crap. Especially when you have been customers with them for twenty years.</p>

<p>One company gave us a very good estimate online, based upon me claiming we had good credit. Then when I called to lock in the deal, magically the price went up 50%. They said it was because when they put in the details, they had a specific formula that they couldn’t exactly describe…mostly based on credit scores. When I said, so our credit score is around 800, what exactly do you need to get that price you quoted? No answer.</p>

<p>Which is why I love Armed Forces Insurance. No crap at all.</p>

<p>We shopped around our homeowners, car and umbrella policies last winter…and got,the same coverage with a different company…total cost $1000 less per year.</p>

<p>It is worthwhile to check what other companies may charge, or if you can ‘bundle’ several policies (auto and home). I </p>

<p>For many years, we had split auto off; then our homeowner’s made a concerted effort to ‘win back’ business, and gave really favorable pricing. I really like my agent and his group.</p>

<p>Sometimes people are more reluctant to move homeowner’s (I know I am), in part with riders (like personal items).</p>

<p>Years ago, had I known we could qualify for USAA (am I using the right acronym?) - both our dads were in the service…</p>

<p>Sometimes funky things are happening in various states - sometimes it has an effect over all ins companies…</p>

<p>We had hail a few years ago, which had our roof replaced with deductible. We waited until everyone else were getting theirs done (it was a widespread storm so they set up a special claim procedure), then had our insurance check our roof and used the company that a picky neighbor had used. I was in the thick of chemotherapy so used some thought processing when I didn’t have the energy (or need the stress) to be at the front end of evaluating and fighting the ‘crowd’.</p>

<p>Some insurance companies ‘stink’. Some people do not realize how much their insurance has been ‘creeping up’ and some people are very resistant to change. And then there is the trust issues.</p>

<p>Re: USAA—I had heard such great things about the company and their rates, so I joined (my father served), but their car insurance rates were higher than what I had been paying. Ended up switching to GEICO when I added the teen driver and saved thousands.</p>

<p>Re: homeowner’s. More than ten years ago, we received a note that our policy would be cancelled b/c we were within 1000 feet of water. This very tranquil body of water would have needed to flood uphill at a 40 degree angle in order to reach us. I keep increasing our deductible to combat the rate creep mentioned above.</p>

<p>I think (just guessing) that carriers target areas/markets they want to be in. I am guessing they understand that risk pool or prefer it. Clearly our last car insurer did not want to insure teen drivers. </p>

<p>CT1417, if you are eligible, check out AFI. We dumped USAA after 25 years because they decided our house cost 700K more to rebuild than it had five years earlier, when we bought it. Total scam, and a way to raise rates on people, because of course the rebuilding costs hadn’t increased that much, or even at all. AFI was about half the price.</p>

<p>We have had Allstate for 30 years, and keeping all insurance together seems to give good discount. My thought is I could shift elsewhere, but rates would go up there after first year. </p>

<p>I did once try comparison shopping. I recall that State Farm told me there was no way they could meet or beat our Allstate rates. I’ll reconsider this all when the kids are off our policy next year. </p>

<p>Hmm… I figured my zip code was the problem… but maybe more widespread… <a href=“Your Homeowner’s Insurance Is Soaring Thanks to Hail From 5 Years Ago |”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you like Geico, buy a few shares (I think one is enough) of Berkshire Hathaway. B shares are ~$145, A shares are more pricey ($218,540 today). You get an 8% discount on Geico and a good stock also. It’s the only individual stock we voluntarily own. </p>