How much do YOU think YOU need to retire? ...and at what age will you (and spouse) retire? (Part 1)


Which leads to the old joke: “I’ve got enough saved to retire right now, just as long as I die before noon tomorrow.”</p>

<p>There are calculators that tell you your probability of living past certain ages, based on current age and detailed health information. I was surprised, and not particularly happy, to learn that I have a 25% chance of living past 100.</p>

<p>According to actuarial tables, women of my current age will live to be 82.76 years old. Of course, some will die at 50 and some at 100. I have no idea where in that spectrum I will fall. Maybe I’ll have a better idea as I approach retirement, but for now, who knows? And my peace of mind will be so much greater knowing the money is there.</p>



<p>I tried a few, the results are very different.</p>


<p>Well I did it. I decided to retire effective January 1st. It’s a big step, but I’m very excited about the possibilities. </p>

<p>Does anyone have thoughts on life insurance policies that come with LTC riders?</p>

<p>This was interesting - I tried the life expectancy calculator at the link above & got 83 years mean & 25% chance of living past 91. </p>

<p>In 1980 there were 700,000 people in the US who were 90 or older; in 2010, it was 1.9 million. It is projected to be 9 million in 2050.</p>

<p>The headline of one article on the subject was “Is 90 the new 85?”</p>

<p>My parents are 93 and 91. People are living longer and longer.</p>

<p>Since 65 is the new 45, why shouldn’t 90 be the new 75?</p>

<p>Well, May 30 was supposed to be my last day at work, but due to Winter, I now don’t finish until June 5, and boy am I ready, both financially and emotionally. Next week a 5-day trip to Madrid, July off to Spain for most of the summer (house hunting, visiting family), September cruising the Sienne. </p>

<p>I can’t wait!!</p>

<p>Ah Gloworm! Congratulations!!!</p>

<p>@gloworm - that’s the way to do it! </p>

<p>Skilled nursing facilities use 93 as their predicted age span when calculating prices. And I’d certainly rather over shoot the under shoot. </p>

<p>“How realistic is living to 95 really? I know there are people who do live that long but isn’t it just some tiny fraction? Like 1 in every 5,000 people or something?”</p>

<p>I’m 49. My parents are 71 and 72 with no health issues. One grandfather died in his early 70s, the other at 80. One grandmother died around 90 and my other grandmother is still rocking it at 95 and living independently. I think it’s reasonable to plan to 95 for myself. </p>

<p>Yeah - I asked the planner to go to 100. I haven’t had a known family member who didn’t make it to 90 for three generations. I don’t WANT to live to 100, but I don’t want to run out of money at 90 :-)</p>

<p>Last week, I was hit by a guy who was 94 and still driving. He looked perfectly healthy except he can’t see my big SUV car.
For me I’ll take up bungee jumping in old age(85+) so there is no need for planning to live till 100.</p>

<p>Nice, glowworm! Am very jealous of you!</p>

<p>Thanks! For a long time it felt as though it would never get here.</p>

<p>Im 56. Both parents are deceased, 75 & 45.
One set grandparents lived till mid '70’s, other set lived till mid '80’s.
I have similar health problems as my mother, but at 10 yrs younger, even though I have a healthier lifestyle.
If I could live twenty more years I would be thrilled. (& my bank acct could support me)</p>

<p>H’s side of family has better genetics even though their lifestyle is less healthy.
Life isnt fair.</p>

<p>To the poster who PMd me, I am 60, H is 61, but he may not retire when I do. I think he will do the deed in December. </p>