How much do YOU think YOU need to retire? ...and at what age will you (and spouse) retire? (Part 1)

Sorry - wrong thread. As for retirement, we’re very thankful that we moved a significant amount into cash equivalents as soon as H learned he’d be retiring. I’m not concerned about the stock market for ourselves, but have needed to reassure our kids that things will get better long before they need their retirement funds.

OK, I nibbled in the stock market at the close. I’ve been holding off, but we’re now down 20-25%. It could get worse, but I’ll buy more.

The market always comes back. :open_mouth:

Tomorrow will be a bloody day. With uncertainty looming, traders would not want to hold anything over the weekend. Unless the shorts decide to cover in fears that something good could happen (fat chance).

It’s difficult to predict the future but I’m bullish on real estate in the short term. Interest rates are being driven to historical lows, helping affordability. Also, I assume that people’s skittishness about the stock market will push them to diversify into real estate.

But will they have money to buy real estate if they lost their job and their savings?

I’ve got a long time to wait for the market to come back. And it will. I’ll be dollar cost averaging down tomorrow, if there’s more red. However, for now, the S&P Futures looks green.

I am a buy and hold person, but I’m really feeling like this is different than anything we’ve experience in my adult lifetime.
I hope I don’t regret staying in the market.

RE also provides a “castle” in which one can weather an outbreak. :slight_smile: I have seen reports that the Chinese money kept flowing into US RE during the beginning of the outbreak. Let’s see if I can find a link.

Futures are pointing to another bloodshed tomorrow. It will get uglier before it gets better!!

It is Friday the 13th tomorrow. :slight_smile:

People without jobs and savings won’t be buying much of anything.

As one data point, I’ve invested in a real estate development project in a small oceanside city in Washington. We’re building small homes which are typically purchased by retirees or vacation home buyers. In the last month sales have skyrocketed, with the last home selling within 24 hours of being listed.

Cryptocurrencies are getting hammered

It’s not just stocks that are getting hammered. The cryptocurrency market saw a huge sell-off in the past 24 hours. The total value of the entire cryptocurrency market plummeted around $93.5 billion in the space of 24 hours as of 10:07 a.m. Singapore time, according to data from Bitcoin was down 48% while other digital coins like ethereum and XRP were down 49% an over 42% respectively. (CNBC)

Monopoly money. ?:wink:

Anyone want to play Name Dow Bottom? :slight_smile: Mr. B says 17,000. We are close!

@BunsenBurner - I’ll play. I’m looking for the DJIA to drop to 18,332. When that happens I’m buying.

Would you refinance if you are paying 3.75% and may be lowered to 3.25%?

Can they just suspend trading for a weeK?

I’ll take this opportunity to sell my one remaining individual stock. I had been holding onto it because it has gone up considerably and I didn’t want to pay the taxes to sell it.

My plan is to sell this stock at a gain, and offset the gain by selling a fund at a loss. Then put all of that money into a different fund at a pretty darn low price.

After that, check whether my asset allocation needs to be adjusted or whether this leaves me about where I should be.

Then go out and put some pre-emergent treatments on the lawn and gardens, spring is coming and it is time to get outside.

It depends. Any closing costs involved? I would do the math to figure out the breakeven point. If you plan to stay in the place past that - it could make sense to refinance.

Depends on how big your mortgage is, how long it will be until it is paid off, and how much it will cost.

That kind of drop would save me $200/month, for that amount I’d at least look into it.