How Much Do You think You Need to Retire/What Age Will You/Spouse Retire: General Retirement Issues (Part 2)

Feel free to PM me. In eastern FL, lots of communities are tolerant of varying views, such as The Valencia’s. In Naples, be prepared for many more conservatives. Still, there are always newcomers. Forgot to say, I live in SE FL


We retired in a very red LCOL state, but are building our retirement home in an area that’s becoming more purple every year unlike the rest of the state. There are still too many people whose politics color their every decision and who judge others harshly, and that’s at both extremes. Pre-pandemic we still thought we’d be comfortable here, but the main reason to be here is our grandchild.

Yesterday, I remarked to H that after the past 15 months there are shops and restaurants I don’t care to try or to give business to again. Pre-pandemic I would not have known how ugly their owners could act and said I wished I didn’t know now. On the other hand, I feel guilty for preferring to be an ostrich. I’ve terminated service workers and trades who voiced racist remarks to me in our homes when they assumed I’d agree with them, so why should I feel differently about this. It’s making me feel very tentative about the process of meeting new people here.

It sort of feels as if we’re splurging on our retirement home’s creature comforts to create a place to remain isolated long term. We’re already pretty introverted, so the situation is making it harder to push ourselves to try Osher Lifelong Learning Institute or classes at the art museum this fall.


@Silpat that is so horrible for people to wear their personal political or negative comments on their shirtsleeve especially when they are dealing with ‘customers’.

With time, things may get better. However just continue to look at the things you want to (as you said) and plan around the family times with the grand.

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My husband and I have found that people are emboldened in a way we haven’t experienced in the past. It’s disheartening.

I’d really like to get back to a more neutral environment. I miss those days.


I think we all miss those days, sigh.

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This is the truth. I am shocked at how many people think it’s suddenly ok to be openly racist and now think about how many were living amongst us that we never knew about before. It’s sad and sickening at the same time and not ok!


@srparent15 I think the shocking behaviors come from both extremes - and it is on public display all over the country. And shocking behavior comes from many who profess to be of a certain faith and yet do not follow that faith, or say they are proponents of education yet their actions take apart education.

One has to protect one’s QOL and one’s family QOL - we are out of Ozzie and Harriet time for sure - and deal with ever changing paradigms.


You know @SOSConcern I’m not really sure what you are going for.

@srparent15 denounced racism and you said that are shocking behaviors from both extremes.

I’m on the side that racism is always bad and we have to be better about recognizing that. I will always be on that side.

Moderation: I’m happy to have my statement hidden or deleted. I’d like everyone to know that if this is too political.


I differ politically from almost all my best friends. Really tight group of couples. We have great conversations and ultimately agree to disagree. I come away feeling like I’ve learned something. I don’t think they do as they are pretty closed off to other ideas.

Unfortunately know many folks who will not consider spending time with or discussing alternative viewpoints. Very sad. These are educated people too.


I think you have great friends and I would be very happy with what you’ve described.

Whoops, I really should read the whole post. :woman_facepalming:

I do not want everyone to agree. I don’t agree with everyone and think that it’s a good thing. I’m sorry that your friends aren’t more open.

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To add to this, when it comes to racism - there is the racist side and the anti-racist side. Racism is not confined to one political party, though there can always be political parties more willing to openly tolerate and/or condone racism.


I am sure this will get deleted, but a few summers ago, white supremacist/racist/NeoNazi demonstrations were described as having good people on both sides by a very influential person.

Personally, being on the side of Nazis and racists is never the correct side.


In our situation, the ugly remarks have been just as much about religion as about race, stance on masks and political affiliation. We’ve encountered people (and have seen remarks on various city and neighborhood forums and social media sites) who are emphatically anti-nearly anything and feel compelled to share it. Some hate Catholics, some hate Muslims, some hate atheists, some hate Baptists, and so on. If it wasn’t so sad, we’d laugh about it mirroring Tom Lehrer’s National Brotherhood Week song.

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But note that most people will not be very receptive to alternative viewpoints that say that they should have fewer rights or accept worse quality services from either the government or private entities or should not exist because of their race or ethnicity or religion or LGBTQ… etc…

Of course, for straight White people in the US, this type of thing is more likely to be just a political disagreement that does not affect their personal quality of life outside of politics. But for minorities, it becomes more of a general quality of life issue if it comes to choosing a location to move to for retirement or otherwise.


@deb922 to spell it out - I am talking about violent behavior and destruction of property etc. That is what I am saying about bad behavior on both extremes - verbal and actions. I don’t claim to be on either end of the spectrum. I agree with @silpat on what they have seen.

Certainly people have some awareness from local media when things are going on, so can avoid being at the wrong place at the wrong time when there are local disturbances which have been happening for a while now.

When new to an area, in retirement, best to get filled in by locals - just like you would on best place for dining, best places to go work out, best places for various activities - but again, one uses one’s own judgment.

Some people from another country do like to live in an area where there are others with similar heritage - my European parents met in the US in one of these communities and are from the same country – both had legal immigration in the early 1950’s.

Since DH doesn’t want to move, I have the same medical care in place and avoid some of the inconveniences with a move to another location.


Note that legal immigration in the 1950s was still mostly defined by the 1924 immigration law (modified in 1952), which had national origin quotas intended to keep the US ethnic makeup similar to that which existed in 1890 (i.e. mainly northern and western European origin).

Very much this. Sorry but I cannot be friends with anyone holding political or other views that threaten my rights as a minority or woman. That’s a hard line for me. I still manage to have good friends of all races and religions.


Lots of interesting POV’s in this thread, but let’s please remember this is not just about teachers, their salaries, and retirement. Perhaps someone would like to start a thread specifically pertaining to teachers and retirement, but let’s please move on from that topic.


That’s the truth.


I think when people are looking to move when they retire they really do need to do their research and just like they may have moved to an area to raise their kids due to what the schools could provide or the educational opportunities, or people they knew, etc., they should do the same due diligence when looking at places to retire. It’s not always about the size of the house someone can buy these days.

I like to go on vacations and travel, so for me I don’t have an interest in having a retirement house. But again if my friends and family aren’t here then it may ultimately be something to reconsider down the line, but I’m definitely in no hurry to do it now and my husband and I each have parents living by us so it’s definitely not on any horizon right now. Lots can change!

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