how much does being black help?

<p>Is it possible for an African American with a 4.56 GPA, 29 ACT/ 12 essay and 1980 SAT to get into brown or cornell? lots of ECs and leadership positions</p>


<p>What is the UW GPA?</p>

<p>It is possible But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to also be outstanding in your ECs, essays, etc.</p>

<p>Retaking the exam is worthwhile too. Look at the section you were strongest in and focus on improving it. The weak areas are hardest to improve but try to add a little to those as well. Focus on strengths though. If you got a 750 on 1 section what would that do to your super score?</p>

<p>You need to list your AP test and SAT Subject test as part of your application. A 4.56 with a 29 ACT and a sub 2000 SAT makes your goal a significant reach. It means you are probably in great shape for schools just below the Ivy league. AA chances go up significantly as you approach 2100.</p>

<p>Hi, time is running out and I didn’t apply to any ivies. I have 800 CR, 790 Math, and 780 Writing. I just can’t see myself within the large class sizes and that competitive environment. Its just not me. Will I regret it?</p>

<p>Yes. There is a reason 4year graduation rates and retention rates are so high.</p>

<p>Apply. You can always decline.</p>

<p>apply your scores are great and you might enjoy yourself</p>

<p>Thanks I think I’m gun-shy after I was deferred from Tulane a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t expect that, but hey it woke me up to the randomness of college admissions etc.</p>

<p>wherezwallace: what schools do you consider just below ivys?</p>

<p>Aspire: Remember Tulane hugely counts demonstrated interest from what I hear. Kids at my school who had visited or at least went to information sessions and made contact with their admissions rep got in more often then a few that had good scores but never showed any interest…just applied because of the free, easy app. So don’t let the one deferral scare you too much!</p>

<p>Google top colleges and look at the list from US News & World Report. I’ve been watching Forbes list of top colleges because it has a different formula that is interesting but not relevant to this thread.</p>

<p>Here’s a list to get you started. A degree from ANY school on this list would be a blessing. There are no bad choices. Good luck!</p>

<p>Public Ivys:
• UNC Chapel Hill
• Michigan
• UC Berkeley
• WIlliam & Mary</p>

<p>Top Research Universities not in the Ivy League:
• Stanford
• Duke
• Emory
• U Washington in St. Louis
• U Chicago
• Northwestern
• Johns Hopkins
• University of Southern California
• Notre Dame
• Georgetown</p>

<p>Small Liberal Arts:
• Williams
• Pomona
• Swarthmore
• Amherst
• Vassar</p>


<p>Since you keep bumping my take is that those scores are going to hurt you, and being black alone is not going to be enough to have them overlooked unless you have other factors to share with admissions…what exactly are the reasons that you were unable to score more competitively, and how is being black related to those factors? Some kids have a genuine story to tell and those are the kids who can get some slack with scores-but if you are a typical middle class kid then I think you may be aiming too high. That is the advice I would give my own children if they had your scores. Good luck nonetheless.</p>

<p>Retake the SAT? Is there still time for RD? Don’t count on being black alone.</p>

<p>@planner03, I couldn’t afford tutoring or practice books or any of that. I took the ACT and SAT with only the knowledge I’ve gained from school.</p>

<p>However, the brown middle 50% starts at 29 so</p>

<p>Do y’all think there’s a 0% chance? Also bowdoin, Colby, bates and Wesleyan.</p>

<p>I’m also queer…idk if that helps. My essay is really good and is about me coming out. I’m a girl.</p>

<p>Did you apply for flyins to Colby, Bates, Bowdoin, etc.? If you did then they know you have been interested for awhile. If you did and got in then they think you are competitive for admission, I think.
Take the SAT again at the end of January for Cornell and Brown. </p>


<p>Please don’t use the I couldn’t afford it excuse. Anything, if you want it bad enough, you can get it. </p>

<p>If you needed a tutor or study guides, you could hit the library, say something to a guidance counselor or teacher, borrow from another student, steal someone else’s (unethical but true). Asked for extra prep from a teacher, get a job at a book store or just get a job. So many things.</p>

<p>It can’t hurt to retake the SAT or ACT. The SAT superscore can be the tipping point for you. Trying to use being gay or black is too manipulative and too superficial. Don’t get in the habit of relying on liberal sympathy because what will you do when peoples sympathy runs out?</p>

<p>White privilege didn’t make white people rich or get them into exclusive schools and clubs. It got a few white people into these things but kept as many white people out as it did everyone else. That’s the hilarity that can be seen in old time white privilege. People thought they had something even when they didn’t have anything. The alcoholic, underpaid, hungry white guy and his wife that he was beating every night thought they were better than the the married, church going, college educated black couple. The injustice was terrible but the irony had to be laughed at. I’m just saying, don’t begin life thinking like those people thought, using race and sexuality like VIP passes to the front of the line at Disney Park. Just be better and don’t let excuses weaken your determination.</p>