How much does ED help?

<p>Hey guys. Cornell is probably my first choice but I'm not sure if I should apply ED. I'll probably end up applying RD, but I was wondering: Does ED actually help in a significant way?</p>

<p>I did notice that the acceptance rates for ED are alittle higher, but could this be attributed to the fact that the applicants for the ED pool may have stronger stats?</p>

<p>If Cornell is your first choice you should apply ED.</p>

<p>As for that question, who knows?</p>

<p>the ED rate is also higher because all the applicants spent months editing their Cornell essays, as opposed to RD applicants who probably did not dedicate as much time to a single schoo</p>

<p>It’s a higher acceptance rate and a less competitive applicant pool (if you want some evidence, albeit anecdotal, of this check out the threads covering acceptances from previous classes both ED and RD–there is a significant difference). Of course it helps.</p>

<p>Korg: It’s not as simple as that. If money is an issue and you are worried about qualifying for enough financial aid (Cornell is among the most generous schools in the nation, but MANY families–even more now that we’re in a recession–that can’t pay don’t qualify for near enough financial aid), you may NEED to compare financial aid packages from different schools and apply to a few state schools. It’s a bit more complex than “If it’s your favorite, go ED”.</p>

<p>True, I did not think of that because my family has a lot of savings. Good point.</p>