How much does geography count affect admissions?

<p>Lol i messed up the title (omit count).
I live in Wisconsin =).</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it is semi-important considering how “diverse” colleges want to appear/be</p>

<p>I imagine being in Wisconsin would probably help, especially if it is a rural area</p>

<p>and in the same way competition in the mid-atlantic is fierce…</p>

<p>Wisconsin is not an underrepresented state for college admissions. Rural is rural, no matter what state it’s in.</p>

<p>So if if my admissions area is 20A/NY…but I live in small town Pennsylvania…am I being judged against kids that go to much bigger/better schools in that area? Even though my residence is in PA?</p>

<p>The following is a list states and a Yale geographic representation index. The index represents the ratio of the percentage of U.S. Yale matriculants by state origin in the past 10 years to the percentage of that state’s population as a whole. In other words, if 2% of the previous 10 years of 1st year students came from a state with 2% of the U.S population, that state’s index would be 1.000000000 (Yale international students, about 10% of all 1st years, are not included in the count).</p>

<p>When looking at the data remember that:</p>

<p>(1) The state population is as a whole, not by age group, so there is probably some distortion of the results due to some states being “younger” than others</p>

<p>(2) The Yale population represents actual students attending Yale, so does not account for number of applicants nor yield from the applicant group. Presumably Yale attracts proportionally more applicants from nearby states and is apt to receive proportionally more commitments from those that it admits from nearby states.</p>

<p>(3) CT students include those who are children of faculty, staff, and administration of Yale itself. Most schools, probably including Yale, have a policy that favors these applicants.</p>

<p>Connecticut 6.396650693
District of Columbia 5.562471857
Massachusetts 2.826428658
New York 2.624029249
Maryland 2.124315296
New Jersey 2.105824006
Vermont 1.719510149
Maine 1.482504496
Hawaii 1.397975731
Rhode Island 1.389987298
New Hampshire 1.287438115
California 1.217116277
Pennsylvania 1.066042577
Virginia 1.058467339
Delaware 1.048481798
Alaska 1.029418493
Illinois 0.930652415
North Dakota 0.878727602
Washington 0.75927971
Colorado 0.733277836
Wyoming 0.690764479
Ohio 0.666554829
Minnesota 0.641424159
Texas 0.626135609
Oregon 0.620564837
Michigan 0.596582956
Montana 0.595267086
Florida 0.588695308
Georgia 0.586074441
New Mexico 0.576664989
Missouri 0.524240899
Tennessee 0.446517622
Kansas 0.433218853
Oklahoma 0.419392719
North Carolina 0.419392719
Wisconsin 0.417100956
Kentucky 0.410341078
Arizona 0.401158253
Louisiana 0.395427421
South Dakota 0.387131741
Iowa 0.385156579
Nevada 0.369465015
West Virginia 0.355417559
Indiana 0.344428803
Nebraska 0.318159994
Mississippi 0.309026214
Idaho 0.291007193
Utah 0.289236358
Alabama 0.288853264
Arkansas 0.270575948
South Carolina 0.244645753</p>

<p>I’ve had this compiled for a while and this seemed like a good opportunity to post it.</p>

<p>Proximity, familiarity, legacy, and prosperity (in the case of the southern states) account for much of the ordering of this list, but note CA’s, HI’s, and AK’s relatively high placement.</p>

<p>Great info thx everyone!</p>

<p>I am unsure how to interpret these numbers. On the one hand a high number might indicate a geographical boost, but on the other hand a low number could translate to an under-represented state and therefore maybe a small boost for admissions… Of course this is only for the non-blatant ones (I highly doubt that Hawaii had more applicants than California, for example)</p>

<p>Gah! I’m from Florida, so middle ground either way, though I did expect a larger percentage considering its the fourth largest state… <strong>Too self: Don’t over-analyze this!</strong> lol</p>

<p>Yea, nevermind, Wisconsin seems to be right in the middle in terms of size (population, at least). But Entomom, being in rural Wisconsin would help, right? Not saying because it is rural IN Wisconsin, but rather that it is just rural in general.</p>

<p>Wow, Wyoming has less people living in it than the District of Columbia… this regional stuff can be quite interesting</p>

<p>In response to the title of this thread: Geography can significantly determine whether you get in or not.</p>

<p>I may have already said this in another thread, but in general some lesser populated areas will get students in with not as great of statistics. One example is the school right next to mine. Last year a girl got into Yale and a guy got into Brown. While their scores/ec were above average, they were nothing to be overly impressed by. It just helps that they are from an underrepresented area.</p>

<p>I am also from Wisconsin and know of 16 outstanding students at my school who are applying to Yale, and those are just my friends. I imagine there are others that I am not aware of. I also know of exactly 23 others from Wisconsin who are applying to Yale, whether I know them through friends, family, sports, etc. and this is just in a few schools all near one another and surely not even close to the number of WI students appying to Yale. No matter what, admissions is a crapshoot, and plenty of people from WI apply there–more than you or I could fathom based solely on who we personally know is applying there. Good luck, but it isn’t likely to help much if at all–remember, they only need 1 student from each state, WI included, to claim that they have students from all 50 states. By no means do they have to accept a certain number of students from each state. Yale has its pick of amazing students and simply picks the best of the best. If you are not a top student from WI–and I know some AMAZING ones appying there–being from here will not help one bit. Sorry to break it to you, but I’m trying to be realistic.</p>

<p>WOW. Arkansas is like…almost the last one on the list.</p>

<p>Does that mean it’s underrepresented?
I mean I know not that many get into or go to Yale from AR but I didn’t think it would be so far near the bottom. I thought Montana/Wyoming or something would be!</p>

<p>OH! Thanks for the list. It’s really really interesting!</p>

<p>I have kind of over looked the fact that Yale would at least take one applicant from each state. This makes me exceedingly happy- considering the fact that I live in Oregon which is not exactly a competitive state (mid range). I would assume that at least two or three people with be accepted from Oregon the year I graduate, so all I have to do is be at the very least the third best applicant in my state only, this is somewhat of a confidence booster :smiley: I was beginning to think it was impossible to get into an Ivy. However… I do know some very competitive applicants at my school and I am pretty certain that one of them will eventually pass me in academic success- all they need to do is find opportunities… meh :frowning: Still a confidence booster though! Thanks a ton coffeeadict (btw, what kind of coffee are you addicted to? I personally love french vanilla cappuccinos :stuck_out_tongue: Yummmmmy!)</p>

<p>hopefully being from Arkansas can help me</p>

<p>Actually, I’m from CT, and Yale has a special thing for CT applicants called “Connecticut Day at Yale” . During this thing, the Dean of Admissions basically said that they won’t be seeing even half of us at yale though all of us could do well, and that coming from a “square sparsely populated grassy state” is a BIG advantage over a CT applicant. So there you go, good for some o you, but horrible for us,lol :[[</p>

<p>Sorry tstarr, but good for me! Although Oregon isn’t grassy… lol. (I realize that you were not including OR specifically in your comment.</p>

<p>Then how do you explain how CT tops that list? Unless CT students are a lot smarter than their counterparts everywhere else, including my heartthrob, good old Cali, or unless CT students apply and Matriculate there in droves or something. </p>

<p>I’m personally inclined to believe that CT students have a big advantage. I doubt 18% or whatever percent of students at Yale from CT is really representative of the US student population as a whole.</p>



<p>Hard to say. Depends on what is meant by “underrepresented”.</p>

<p>Clearly the proportion of Yalie Arkansans is far less than the proportion of American Arkansans. But we don’t know how many Arkansans have applied to Yale, and we don’t know the quality of that pool of talent. It could be Yale has stretched to get this many Arkansan (is this really the word?) students, and it could be Yale has not given them their due. Only the Yale admissions office would have access to the data that would let us answer this question.</p>

<p>But, regardless, the data posted is still interesting, IMO.</p>