<p>My friend’s grandfather attended Brown University and has left a legacy there. He was inducted into the Brown Athletic Hall of Fame and even has a scholarship named after him. So she will definitely apply even though her stats aren’t quite Brown material.</p>
<p>Her GPA is 4.0 out of 5.0…which we think is a 3.2 on the 4.0 scale. (Does anybody know?)
Her SAT’s are like 1940
She has only taken 1 AP Class and thats this year. Most of her classes are Level 1’s with a few honors classes thrown in.
Her EC’s are pretty good.
Her family would need a lot of financial aid. Her family would never be able to pay for her tuition.</p>
<p>So, we know it’s a reach…but would Brown accept her because of grandfather despite the fact her grades aren’t the highest or her family isn’t rich?</p>
<p>Brown is need-blind for domestic students (minus transfers). How much money you make doesn’t matter unless you give enough to the school to allow them to remove the hiring freeze or something.</p>
<p>I don’t think Brown considers grandparents as legacies for the most part. That he is development can make a difference. Is he alive and able to push for his grandchild to get in? If not and the scholarship is already cast in stone, I don’t think it will help a whit. My friend’s daughter did not get into BC under the same circumstance. Danged if I give a dime for that sort of thing, for what it gets your family.</p>
<p>I don’t think she will get in, but that is just a personal opinion.</p>