How much does location determine which med schools you will get into?

<p>I'm not planning on making any decisions based on the answers, I'm just curious. As of now I live in CT with my family, and am hoping to go to Rice in TX for undergrad. If all goes well, then hopefully med school after that. The thing is, I really want to live in CA, and was initially planning on going to college there, until I found out about Rice. When I apply to Med schools, which ones will I have the highest chance at? Ones in CT? TX? and also, are there any med schools in CA that accept a lot of OOS applicants? </p>

<p>Thanks a ton to anyone who can answer my questions</p>

<p>Your best chance for acceptance will always be your in-state medical school(s). Which, for you, will be CT. Your residency won’t change simply because you went to school in Texas. (Unless you move there permanently and meet a bunch of other requirements…)</p>

<p>CA has 3 private allopathic medical schools: Stanford, Keck (@USC) and Loma Linda. You can check MSAR to see where their students come from. In-state vs. OOS (IIRC, Keck is pretty close to 50-50.) </p>

<p>In general private med schools show no–or at least less–preference for in-state applicants than do public med schools since they aren’t funded by the state.</p>

<p>However, you are getting way, way, way ahead of yourself… Once you finish med school AND residency (for which you’ll likely end up relocating yet again), then you can worry about getting hired into a practice in CA.</p>