How much does Tech care about GPA vs course load, scores

<p>I'm applying to VT with a 3.5 or so, probably 3.2 or 3.3 unweighted, but all but 2 of my classes this year are IB or AP, same goes for last year. 2080 on the SAT.
Will my course load make up for the so-so GPA?
And how much do they care about senior year? I got 3 As 2 Bs and a C first quarter(ap english) which should be a B or A 2nd quarter (ill apply at the end of the semester and send that transcript)</p>

<p>VT cares more about gpa than SAT scores. But if you bump up the C's and B's to B+'s and A's, I think you have a good chance.</p>

<p>Thanks, anyone else?</p>

<p>most of my friends had 3.5 weighted, 1300 ad got in. we re from NoVa too so its pretty competitve. i know almost all of them got way below the gpa they applied with because of senioritis. as long as you arent applying engineering you'll be fine. to be on the safe side though i would get everything up to a 3.5+</p>

<p>i thought even if u dont get in engineering they put you in university studies? that means u dont really get rejected even if u dont get in engineering.
anyway get to know on friday CANT WAIT!</p>

<p>Another happy ending here. S was recruited last year and found coaches to be very honest and straightforward, particularly if you ask the right questions (e.g. where do I stand in your list of recruits, etc) - thanks to experienced CC parents who helped us formulate those questions. S went ED to an ivy and is a very happy freshman now, loving school and his team!</p>

<p>Oops - somehow post above ended up on wrong thread - sorry!</p>

<p>i think if u apply ED Engineering and dont get in, u get wait listed till spring where u get another shot at engineering and then you get put into the university studies applicant pool if you re denied to engineering.</p>

<p>deferred not waitlisted</p>