How much does the interview count, because...

<p>my interviewer told me that he really wanted me to get in and would write an extremely positive recommendation!</p>

<p>So, how much do they count?!?!</p>

<p>unfortunately, not THAT much. around 5% or so but it always helps to have a good interview</p>

i am curious, how do you know this?</p>

<p>oh becacuse there are millions of threads like this, and I saw the answer from several current georgetown students.</p>

<p>gotcha-thanks. shucks, well i guess that means it can tip us in.</p>

<p>I was late to my interview and I thought it was awkward. Other interviews went really well. Georgetown was my first, so that might of been the reason.</p>

<p>I got the same reply from my interviewer. He even sent an e-mail to my parents telling them how exceptional a student I am :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I guess interviews don’t count that much because the vast majority of them go well. Unless you’re a jerk to the interviewer, don’t make eye contact, come up with bad answers, etc, you’ll get a pretty good review. With so many interviewrs giving positive feedback to the admissions office, it all becomes the same, really.</p>

<p>I hope you guys are right that it doesn’t count that much…my interviewer was super awkward and glared at me every time I started talking, it was quite the experience.</p>

<p>Mine highly praised me… and even, dare i curse myself, said that I was the top applicant that he’s interviewed in the past 35 years. he did tell me that i was a little too poor and to keep my options open</p>

<p>omg i didn’t even have my interview yet…<em>clutches stomach and turns green</em> i think i’m going to be sick.</p>

<p>^^Wait, he said you were a “little too poor”? Did he mean academically or financially, because the latter would be a pretty big slap in the face, not that the other wouldn’t also be, of course, but a financial comment like that would be a little more unorthodox.</p>

<p>^ financially</p>

<p>That was a pretty inappropriate and pompous thing for anyone to say to anyone – as if a 17 year old can affect a family’s finances.</p>

<p>To HopefulHoya:</p>

<p>whoa… I know you live in Syracuse from the other thread. Was your interviewer a guy who lived in the segdwick farm neighborhood, in the city?</p>

<p>My interviewer told me the same thing (top applicant in 35 years, exceptional student, etc…) and we also talked about finances (and Georgetown’s lack of good financial aid). I’m hoping this isn’t the same guy!!!</p>

<p>…that would be awkward…and worthy of telling the University.</p>

<p>I got my interview 4 hours (literally) before I opened my acceptance letter, so the interview definitely had nothing to do with my application.</p>

<p>sunshowers23, I compl agree - “With so many interviewrs giving positive feedback to the admissions office, it all becomes the same, really.”</p>

<p>Same with recommendation letters really… I think interviews can be likened to them. Unless you get a super-awesome-amazing-wonderful-phenomenal interview (my friend last year had a Princeton interview that went absolutely amazing. The interviewer was also an alumnus from the same HS, and they talked about older teachers, interview’s wife loved Michael Jackson just like my friend, and Super Nintendo or something like that, so they talked for a very long time. He thinks it’s why he got in, because although his stats were great they weren’t exceptional for Princeton), it’s not a huge deal.</p>

<p>for sunshowers, ummmm, if you dont mind me asking, where do you go to hs in upstate???</p>