<p>I've been taking my practice tests, and I am doing well on the critical reading, and especially the math section. I've just never been a good writer. English has been my worst subject for as long as I can remember. I love to read so my CR scores are fine. I heard colleges don't care as much about the writing section as they do the CR and Math section. Is this true?</p>
<p>It really depends on which colleges you’re applying to. If you’re going for the Ivy Leagues, only Cornell disregards the writing section completely. Every other Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, and UPenn) do look at the Writing score with the same amount of scrutiny. </p>
<p>In my opinion, the writing score matters just as much as the other sections. However, there’s talk about the “base score” which is just the Critical Reading + Math. </p>
<p>Any college that looks at the Writing score will most likely judge the sections equally.</p>