How much does Vanderbilt Interview Matter?

<p>I contacted the interviewer in my region three times. I e-mailed him three times and she never responded. The other nearest interviewer is about 2-3 hours away from my town, and my dad is not really that pumped up about driving me that far. The thing is that I am an international student (although I do live in the U.S. it's technically as if I'm applying from a foreign country), and I'm not sure how much an interview really weighs on an application. I know that it's optional, but internationals usually find it a lot harder to get into schools (at least from what I've heard), and I don't know if the weight they put on interviews is the same for citizens and internationals. Should I request an interview from another person? Thanks!</p>

<p>It’s not required. I’ve read several times that it only can help you but not hurt you. They know that some people live too far away to interview. I read somewhere that the percentage of kids that actually do interviews is about 20%, or a bit below that.</p>

<p>I didn’t interview. The closest interviewer is 2 hours away. Apparently the alumnus breadth isn’t very large.</p>

<p>I interviewed and I really enjoyed it and I think it will help.</p>

<p>But on the other hand, I had a few friends of mine also interview and they said their interview went ok and that nothing special or interesting happened.</p>

<p>But again, it doesn’t hurt you if you don’t interview.</p>

<p>It would be impossible for me to give you a full account of how I know this information, but I can tell you through a very very good source knowledgable about Vandy, that the interview, if you are able to get one can be very important. This, however, is also contingent on who the interviewer alum is. ( should’nt end a sentence that way but, whatever) some interviewers opinions are valued more than others, and I guess this makes perfect sense depening on how involved they were at the time they attended Vandy and how active they are currently. My ‘informer’ said that depending on how influential the interviewer was, it could account for up to 20% of your application status. Again, this could be regional, wishful thinking, make of it what you want, but my source was very reliable and ‘in the know’</p>

<p>If Vandy is your first choice, make the effort. It cannot hurt.</p>

<p>*“If Vandy is your first choice, make the effort. It cannot hurt.” *
That’s what I figured and that’s why I did mine.</p>

<p>Apparently, my interviewer is pretty groovy. So groovy, in fact, that he’s on the Alumni Spotlight! [Admissions:</a> Vanderbilt University](<a href=“]Admissions:”></p>

<p>Though he is a psychologist, so that was rather intimidating knowing that before the interview.</p>

<p>I’m curious to know who your source is, but I’m not going to ask. I’ll just ponder about it.</p>

<p>Hey Hilsa
Awesome about your interciewer, I hope what I have been told is true for your sake!
I have been perusing the CC web site for awhile now, (just finally joined tonightbecause I felt I had to respond that the interview question…) always looking at the Vandy stuff, and have seen your ‘name’ often. you seems so very knowledgable about Vaady and you sure seem well qualified, are you attending there now, or waiting for your acceptance letter?</p>

<p>Vandy has been my top choice for years (aka before it got trendy after sports and all). I even attended there this summer for 6 weeks and had tons of fun while still learning crazy, complicated material. Like I’ve written many times on here, I would have applied ED the day the application came out, but I don’t have secure funds to ensure that I could pay for it ED. Let’s just say my EFC is REALLY low.</p>

<p>I’m just hoping for my acceptance letter. I wish I could convey to you how badly I want this. It’s so stressful when you have 40-50 percentile stats.</p>

<p>Though, my interviewer definitely got the point that Vandy is my top school, and I had a blast doing my interview. And, being my weird, quirky self, I somehow ended up talking about Josef Stalin. I wonder what Vandy’s views towards communism are… ;)</p>

<p>Hilsa for my cornell interview we talked about JFK for 30 minutes (she graduated in '62), good stuff.</p>

<p>I guess you’re a history buff too? Cool beans!</p>

<p>Or wait! Maybe you’re a political science person… and if you are, I am so, so sorry.</p>

<p>Hilsa, I think you worry way to much on here. 40-50 percentile stats means you are fine. Without a doubt in. People on this board worry to much. Anyone in the top 75% should be fine and nerve free.</p>

<p>Wow…10 replies! Thanks everyone! Futureteacher, you joined because of my post? aww…
I will try to get an interview. Although the deadline’s kind of past…do you all think they will still accept requests because I did contact the interviewer in my town multiple times and he didn’t respond?
Hilsa–my Princeton interview was centered around Confucius, so…</p>

<p>Hi everyone:
To Hilsa, I have found Vandy really truly does want to know the entire person. It matters to them. If you are well rounded, your interviewer knows that Vandy is your number 1, the only other thing I can tell you is make sure your Vandy admissions counselor knows this as well. I lobbied my self silly to get in there ED 1 this year, and I did it. I will be attending my dream school fall 09! My stats are really good, but not off the charts, I don’t want to go over all the vitals of them but they hold up really well. As a side note, my school is one of the most highly regarded acemdemic HighSchools in the mid west, and I have had sseveral AP classes, but still… My counselor told me that the Vandy counselor called him to go over every application that was sent to Vandy from our school. ( I did not realize that school counselors KNOW that we have been admitted or not before we get our letters!!! at least this is the case with our school) he told my counselor, that my application was the perfect fit to the school I was applying to, because I had a track record/history to support what I wanted to study. I was applying to Peabody for Education, and I have been working with kids in various areas since I was 14 years old. Maybe my counselor wasn’t supposed to tell me that info?
On the Vandy webite when they go over application process and they States “we look for ways to admit you” THEY MEAN IT! best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Crystalclear yes, you were the catalyst… I had to let you know that information.</p>